Home > Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(40)

Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(40)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

Nay, I willna harm you. He dragged his tongue up her neck, and she shuddered.

Connor, I cannot become one with you.

I know. He tickled her ear. I willna take from you. I will only give. He nipped at her ear.

Oh! Her heart lurched. He had sharp teeth. But when he drew her earlobe into his mouth and suckled, she moaned. Her legs trembled, and she had a strange overwhelming desire to lie down.

Will ye let me touch you? And kiss you?

Yes. She clutched at his shoulders. But Im not sure I can take very much. Im feeling so . . . weak.

Weak? He gave her a worried look, and his eyes turned back to blue. Are ye will?

Im not sure. I just felt limp all of a sudden. And my knees are very shaky.

Ah. His eyes twinkled. Perhaps ye should lie down.

She gave him a suspicious look. I know what youre up to. You want to take me back to the cabin and climb into bed with me. Then the women will arrive and find us there, and it will be very embarrassing. And when you fall into your death-sleep, theyll all fuss at me for not chasing you away.

Nay. I doona want to climb into yer bed.

Her heart stuttered. You dont? Good heavens, that was even more aggravating.

He chuckled. Doona look so upset with me. I want to lie down with you here.

Here? She looked around.

Aye, under the stars. He slipped off her robe and stretched it out on the grass. He sat on the edge and patted the center. Dinna ye say yer legs were feeling weak?

It only seems to happen when youre kissing me. Without the robe, she felt a little chilly, so she crossed her arms.

Yere cold.

Im all right.

Nay, I can tell yere cold. His gaze focused on her br**sts.

She glanced down and winced at the way her ni**les were poking out. When she looked back at Connor, his eyes were red and glowing. Again?

His mouth twitched.  Tis a recurring problem.

She huffed. Brynley was definitely right.

Nay. She thought she could chase me away, but Im still here. Still waiting.


He arched a brow at her, then reached over, grabbed her pajama bottoms, and yanked.

She gasped when her pajamas fell to her ankles, leaving her dressed only in a T-shirt and skimpy black panties. Connor!

He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down onto the robe.

She squealed and kicked at him. What are you doing?

He grasped her thigh to stop her kicking, then leaned over her. I asked if I could touch you and kiss you, and ye agreed. Have ye changed yer mind?

No. Her heart thundered in her ears. But yere moving so fast.

Sweetheart, I doona count time in millennia like you. Id like to get started. In this century.

I wasnt taking that long. Her breath caught when he feathered light kisses all over her face. Im just a little nervous, thats all. She moaned when he nuzzled her neck. And you startled me when you pulled my pants down.

He lifted his head. Right. He kissed her quickly on the lips. Thank you for reminding me.

Huh? She blinked when he suddenly moved down to her feet.

He smiled. Yer toenails are pink. He kissed her big toe.

You could have had pink toes, too, she reminded him. He shot her a warning look, but she just smiled. I thought you looked very handsome with your pink toes.

He nipped at her toe. She squealed and tried to pull her foot away, but he gripped her by the ankle and wouldnt let go. He lifted her leg higher and trailed kisses up her calf to her knee. Her heart raced, and her stomach fluttered.

So yer knees are giving you trouble, are they? He lifted her leg higher and kissed the soft skin on the back side of her knee.

She shivered. That tickles. It more than tickled. It was sending frissons of needy sensations up her leg. She had an overwhelming urge to squeeze her thighs together, but she couldnt when he had one of her legs lifted so high in the air.

He tickled the backside of her knee with his tongue while his hand skimmed up her thigh, closer and closer to her core.

She moaned. Shed never felt so vulnerable. Or so desperate.

He set her leg down, then pulled her into a sitting position. Lift yer arms.

She started to, then gasped when he whisked her T-shirt off and shoved her back down. She gasped again when he ripped off her panties and tossed them aside. Good heavens! Arent you being a little . . . abrupt?

Ye think Im moving too fast? He settled beside her with a hand resting on her tummy. His gaze wandered over her body. Ive seen you naked before.

That was different. I was unconscious most of the time. And not so intensely aware of him. Just the way he looked at her made her tremble.

Youre exceedingly beautiful, he murmured.

Thank you. Good heavens, he was really looking her over. Her cheeks grew warm. I just need a moment to adjust.

Ah. His gaze rose to her chest. Ive seen yer br**sts before. Ive touched them.

She struggled to breathe. I know.

He leaned closer, studying them. Yer ni**les are hard, ripe for sucking. He moved back. But Ill give you more time to adjust.

Her mouth dropped open. He wanted to suck on her ni**les? A new wave of sensation swept down her body and sizzled in her core.

Moisture pooled there. This time she did squeeze her thighs together.

His nostrils flared, and his fingers pressed against her belly. Lass, if ye adjust any more, yell be climaxing without me.

She reached up to wrap her hands around his neck. Then do it. Please.

He smiled. My pleasure.

He kissed her slowly and thoroughly, nibbling on her lips and swirling his tongue inside her mouth. She responded, quickly sinking into a world of sensation where his every touch ignited shivers and sparks.

He kissed her neck and each time his tongue licked her skin, she felt a throbbing in her core. It made her desperate, made her want to squirm and press herself against him.

She tugged at his T-shirt. Let me touch you.

He pulled his shirt off, then leaned over to kiss her br**sts. She ran her hands through his hair and along his bare shoulders. When he drew a nipple into his mouth, she groaned and dug her fingers into his back.

Oh yes, hed been serious about the sucking. More moisture pooled between her legs, and she squirmed.

He moved away from her br**sts and grew still.

Is something wrong?

I want to see yer face when I touch you.

You are touching She stopped when she realized what he meant. His hand skimmed down her belly into the thatch of curls. Her breath caught.

He slowly massaged her. Will ye open yer legs for me?

She did, and he smiled. Och, now theres a glorious sight.

She jolted when she first felt his fingers touch her core. She pressed a hand to her chest. I think my heart will burst.

He lifted his hand. Ye need a moment to adjust?

Dont you dare!

With a chuckle, he put his hand back on her.

She winced. Sorry. I dont know whats come over me. She moaned when his fingers traced the folds. Im becoming very . . . greedy.

Ye want more?


He flicked a finger over a very sensitive spot, and she squeaked.

He grinned. Ye might like this, too. He inserted a finger inside her.

Oh! Oh yes. She squirmed, pressing against him. A buzzing feeling skittered all through her. Her eyes flickered shut.

Yere verra tight. And wet. He inserted another finger. When he waggled them, something broke lose inside her. It soared higher and higher. Connor, II

He wiggled his fingers again, while his thumb rubbed the sensitive spot.

She screamed. For a second, she thought the world had come to an end, and the stars in the heavens had burst. But then she opened her eyes, and the stars were still there. And she was still alive, her body throbbing with incredible spasms.

Quest-ce que tu as fait? she gasped.
Connor leaned closer, smiling. Yere speaking French.

Oh. Lo siento. She rubbed her head. Spanish? I think I blew a fuse.

He laughed and gathered her in his arms. I love you. I love you so much.

Do you? She held him tight. Oh, Connor. I love you, too.

He rolled onto his back, taking her with him. Lass. He ruffled her hair and kissed the top of her head.

She sprawled across his chest, resting her head over his heart to hear it pounding. She closed her eyes. A vision flashed across her mind. A dark-haired woman, holding a newborn baby. They were beautiful. She pushed the thought away and nestled her cheek against the soft hair on Connors chest.

If only this moment could last forever.

Her eyes flew open. Was that what she really wanted?

Jetaime, Connor whispered.

She lifted her head. You speak French?

He nodded. And Gaelic. What about you?

I can speak to any human on Earth.

His eyes widened, then he looked away. I suppose Im being greedy to want you all to myself.

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