Home > Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(41)

Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(41)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

She smiled and ran a finger along his jaw. You make me feel very greedy, too.

He kissed her finger. Did ye want to scream again?

Her cheeks grew warm. She really had screamed. It was much more intense than I had expected.

We barely got started. I dinna get to taste you or make you come with my mouth.

She blinked. Did he mean o**l s*x? You want to give me a blow job?

He laughed, then winced. Och.

Whats wrong?


She sat up with a gasp. I shouldnt have leaned on you like that. Your ribs could still be sore.

My ribs are fine.

Are you sure? She smoothed her hands over his bare chest. Youre so muscular and strong. She followed the narrow trail of hair to his navel. I think youre beautiful.

Lass He gritted his teeth.

She jumped. Connor, theres something moving in your pants.

Pay it no mind. Lass, no!

She leaned over him to pull the waistband of his flannel pants down. His erection popped out, startling her.

Oh! She fell across his thighs. Oh my. Good heavens.

He groaned and dragged his hands down his face. Ye needna stare at it in horror. It willna harm you.Its . . . really big.

He snorted. It comes in peace.

She giggled, then poked at it with her finger.

It twitched, and he hissed in a breath.

She sat up, amazed by how strong a reaction she had caused. She studied his erection curiously. Could she cause him to scream like he had her?

Doona touch me again, he muttered. Im about to explode.

Explode? That sounded interesting. You know the problem with me, Connor. I dont follow orders very well. She curled her hand around the staff and kissed the tip.

Holy He gritted his teeth with a strangled noise.

She wasnt exactly sure what to do, but she recalled how much she enjoyed him tickling her br**sts with his tongue and suckling her. So she ran her tongue up the length of his staff, then took him into her mouth.

She figured she was doing something right because he was groaning and clutching her hair.

Enough! He tossed her down onto the robe and wedged between her legs.

He kissed her hard, rubbing himself against her. The friction ignited her sensitive skin. She wrapped her legs around him and dug her hands into his back.

Moisture pooled, and his movement became slick. An ache throbbed deep inside her, an empty ache that begged to be filled.

Connor. She wanted him inside her.

And the two shall become one.

He let out a hoarse shout, then shuddered as he found his release. He collapsed beside her, hugging her tight.

She held him, her arms and legs still wrapped around him. Oh God, she hadnt known this sort of love could be so powerful. Shed come so close to begging him to take her.

She rested her head against his chest, listening to the wild thumping of his heart. The vision returned. The dark-haired woman, holding a baby. Connors baby, she realized with a jolt. She was seeing inside his black pit of remorse. His walls had tumbled down.

Fionnula. That was the womans name. There was so much love and sadness surrounding her. Why would a woman he loved be in the center of his remorse?

She sat up. Connor?

He groaned, his eyes shut. Give me a minute.

You didnt tell me you have a wife.

Chapter Twenty

Connor flinched, his eyes popping open. What?

You have a wi

Nay! He sat up. Holy Christ Almighty, she might as well have punched him in the gut. Im no married.

And you have a daughter.

His heart raced. He couldnt deny having a daughter. She had lived only a few hours, but for all eternity, she would be his beautiful daughter. He gulped. Would Marielle see his deceased wife the same way?

I . . . have no wife. He grabbed his flannel pants and cursed silently as he struggled to stuff his feet into the right holes. His damned hands were shaking.

You did have one.

He glanced at Marielle. She didnt look upset. How could she be so damned calm when he was stunned? More than stunned. Floored with a sucker punch. And now that he thought about it, damned angry. While I was making love to you, ye were spying on me?

No. Frowning, she hugged her knees. If you must know, the lovemaking is so intense, I can hardly think at all. Just a few fleeting thoughts about how lovely it feels and how wonderful you are. And how much I love you.

His heart filled with longing. It was going to kill him when she left. I feel the same way.

Her eyes softened with a tender look. I know you were greatly affected. It made the fortress around your heart tumble down. So when I was hugging you just now, I saw them. Your wife and child.

He finished pulling his pants on. I doona want to talk about it.

I thought they were beautiful. And I could feel how much you loved them.

They died centuries ago. Theres no point in

I think there is. Because for some reason, theyre at the center of all your pain and remorse. What happened

Nay, I willna discuss it. Damn, he regretted the hurt look on her face. Im sorry, Marielle. But I confess nothing.

Her eyes narrowed. Do you think the Heavenly Father doesnt know?

Of course He knows. Thats why Im on the list for hell.

She made a face. Stubborn man. That list is not written in stone. It can be changed.

Im a lost cause. But doona fash. I will still help you get back to heaven.

She snorted. You think Im only concerned about myself? What kind of angel would that make me?

And what kind of man committed the terrible crimes he had? He couldnt tell her. He couldnt bear to lose her love. It was the only light in the darkness where he dwelled.

We should be going back. He grabbed his T-shirt, then noticed the mess hed made on Marielle.

Och, lass. He used his T-shirt to wipe off her belly and thighs. Doona let this worry you. All my sperm is dead.

She stiffened. I could have a child?

Nay. No with my

But I have the right body parts for it. She placed a hand on her belly, and her eyes widened with awe. I could bring forth a living human being.

He gulped. I thought ye were going back to heaven.

She blinked. Oh. Yes, I am. She reached for her T-shirt. I was just . . . surprised for a moment. I hadnt realized . . . She pulled her T-shirt on.

Well have to shower again when we return. He located her underwear and pajama bottoms and handed them to her. The ladies have keen senses of smell. I know the Vamp women do. I assume the shifter does, too.

She slipped on the clothes. So theyll know what we did?

Aye. After they arrive, I need to go to Romatech and see Angus. I think were ready to face the Malcontents.

I want to go with you. When he started to object, she touched his shoulder. Ill be there at the battle. I have a right to know what the plans are.

All right. He stood and pulled her to her feet.

She placed her hands on his cheeks. Thank you, Connor. I will always treasure this memory. How you made love to me under the stars.

He wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. Ill remember it, too.

I wish you would trust me with all the pain youve been hiding.

He sighed. He should have known she wasnt going to give up on that. She was a healer at heart. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do to wash away his sins.

Nothing he could do, either.

An hour later, Marielle sat in a corner of the MacKay security office at Romatech, listening to a roomful of Vamps discuss strategy. She tried to pay attention, but every time she looked at Connor, who was standing nearby, she was reminded of their lovemaking. How truly blessed humans were that they could share an act of love that was so intensely powerful and pleasurable.

Shed known for several days that she had a complete set of female private parts, but shed focused more on denying them and retaining her angelic innocence than on considering the benefits of using them.

She was capable of giving birth. Capable of having children, like Shanna. It was an intriguing thought, and when she glanced at Connor, her chest tightened.

No, she couldnt do it. She couldnt stay here. Shed known Connor for only five nights. How could five nights make her contemplate giving up an eternity in heaven? She would have to be insane to do that. Or very much in love.

Vandas words came back to her. How much was she willing to sacrifice for her love? Then Bunnys words flitted through her mind. She had a good heart. If she followed it, she would not regret it.

But hed also said the human world was too dangerous for her. She had to agree as she watched the Vamps passing out swords and knives, guns and ammunition. Where was the peace and joy she craved? How could she give up singing with the Heavenly Host? How could she give up her wings and soaring through space?

Her gaze returned to Connor. Together, they had managed to simulate flight. And together, he had made her soar to a peak of pleasure she had never imagined. He made love so real, so raw and physical. It was so different from the soft, soothing comfort she felt in heaven. It was like comparing manna to chocolate. One was bland but perfectly sustaining; the other, a burst of delicious pleasure. But one was also constant and eternal, and the other, frightening and unpredictable.

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