Home > Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(34)

Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(34)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

Marielle blinked away her tears. Youre right. I have to stay strong. She had to keep believing, no matter what.

Vanda smiled. We brought a surprise for you tonight.

Marielle took a deep breath to ease her nerves. What kind of surprise?

Homemade chocolate chip cookies and milk, Brynley said. Guaranteed to make you feel better.

And I packed a bag of spa stuff, Vanda added. Since we cant take you to a spa, we brought the spa to you.

Spa? Marielle asked.

Vanda nodded. Itll be fun!

It was torture. At least in the beginning when Vanda showed her how to wax her legs. It did help, though, to take her mind off Connor. But when they left her soaking in the bathtub, her thoughts slipped right back to him.

Time for your pedicure. Vanda hustled her out of the tub and wrapped her in a thick robe.

Youd better move, Vanda warned Brynley as she led Marielle back into the main room.

Brynley jumped up from the couch. Ill fix her some milk and cookies. She headed to the kitchen, steering clear of Marielle.

Vanda set Marielle down on the couch, then perched on the coffee table across from her. She placed one of Marielles feet in her lap. You have such new skin, like a baby.

Here. Marta brought over a plastic bin, filled with a variety of nail polish. Pick a color.

Marielle chose a luminous pink that reminded her of sunsets, and Vanda started with her toes.

Is this supposed to make me more attractive? Marielle asked.

Mmm-hmm. Vanda concentrated on her work.

Is that wise? I meanyou dont think Connor and I should

I dont know what to think. Vanda started on her other foot. But I do know that Connor has been miserable for a long time, and . . . I want him to be happy. You, too.

Marielle sighed. She wasnt sure how to accomplish that, but she did know one thing. She wanted Connor to be happy, too.

Brynley set a plate of cookies and glass of milk on the coffee table, then retreated back to the kitchen table.

Marielle enjoyed the cookies until it was time to paint her fingernails. While the polish dried, Vanda and Marta settled on the couch next to her, each enjoying a glass of synthetic blood. Brynley sat across from them on the rocking chair, munching on cookies and milk.

I can see why Connor likes you. Vanda sipped from her glass. Youre not just beautiful. Youre very loving, and . . . I think he needs that.

Marielle leaned back. Im trying not to think about it right now. He needs you. He needs love.

Then lets talk about things we hate about men, Brynley suggested. Like what big babies they can be when theyre in pain.

Vanda chuckled.

Marielle didnt think Connor would be that way.

Sometimes I wake up from my death-sleep, Vanda said, and Phil is lying next to me snoring something awful. So I punch him and tell him he snores loud enough to wake the dead.

Brynley laughed.

I dont think Connor snores, Marielle said.

Of course he doesnt! Hes dead! Brynley winced. Speak of the devil.

Marielle sat up and looked over her shoulder. Her heart did its usual jolt. Connor had returned. He was wearing new clothes, his hair was damp, and he was as handsome as ever.

The sun rises in fifteen minutes, he announced.

All right. Vanda stood. Marta and I will be going.

Marta finished the last of her blood and set down her glass. It was good to see you again, Marielle. Take care.

Marielle gave her and Vanda hugs. Thank you. For everything.

Vanda smiled. It was fun. She set her empty glass on the coffee table next to the tray of nail polish. Good luck with your . . . problem. She glanced at Connor, then lowered her voice. Ill talk to Ian.

Marielle nodded.

Dont worry about the mess, Brynley said. Ill clean up. I dont have much to do all day.

Vanda and Marta teleported away.

Connor inclined his head. Ill be preparing for my death-sleep now. He turned and walked into Marielles bedroom.

Whoa, Brynley whispered. Is he going to sleep in your bed?

II dont think he can. Hadnt he said that the light coming through the window would fry him?

Weird, Brynley muttered. She gathered things off the coffee table and took them to the kitchen.

Marielle wished she could help, but she needed to keep her distance from Brynley.

The door to her bedroom opened, and Connor emerged. His gaze sought out Marielle, then he looked away. Good night. He went into the closet next to the kitchen, closing the door firmly behind him.

Connors in the closet, Brynley whispered in a singsong voice, then laughed.

Marielle yawned. It had been another long night. I think Ill go to bed, too. She trudged toward the bedroom. Thank you for guarding us during the day.

No problem. Brynley smiled as she washed dishes. If that nasty demon shows up, Ill blast him full of shotgun shells.

Marielle paused at the bedroom door. I hate to leave you alone all day, but Ive been up all night.

Its okay. Get some sleep.

Marielle nodded. God bless you.

A hint of pain flickered in Brynleys eyes before she smiled back. Good night.

Marielle shut the door behind her and wandered over to the window. The night sky was growing lighter, taking on that luminous glow just before the sun shattered the horizon with glorious light and color.

Daybreak had always been her favorite time, a time filled with the hope and promise of a new day. But now, she could only think of Connor lying in the closet so near to her. Dying. All alone.

With a sigh, she turned toward her bed. A ray of morning sun shot through the window and landed on her pillow. Something sparkled.

She stepped closer, then gasped. There on her pillow was the angel sun catcher shed admired earlier in a shop window. Connor must have gone back to get it. That sweet, adorable man.

She picked it up and ran her fingers over the smooth golden glass of the angels body and the carved facets of the angels crystal wings.

How she missed her wings! Tears filled her eyes, and she sat on the edge of the bed. She held the angel in her lap and skimmed her fingers over its wings. A tear fell onto the angel, and she used the edge of her bathrobe to dry it. Shed lost her wings. And the longer she stayed here on Earth, the more human she would become.

Shed lost her wings. But shed found Connor.

With a sob, she pressed the angel to her chest. There was no point in denying the truth that was in her heart.

She was falling in love with him.

It was late afternoon when she awoke. She showered and dressed, then peeked out the bedroom door. She preferred to know exactly where Brynley was so she wouldnt accidentally bump into her.

A delicious smell wafted toward her. Brynley must have cooked something, but she was no longer in the kitchen.

Hello? Marielle stepped into the main room.

In here, Brynley called from the walk-in closet.

Marielle gasped. What on earth was Brynley doing in there? She rushed to the open door and gasped again.

Brynley had removed Connors shoes and knee socks, and she was busy painting his toenails hot pink.

Good heavens! Marielle watched in horror. What are you doing?

What does it look like? Brynley smirked, then motioned toward his kilt. Hey, should we lift it up and take a peek?

No! Marielles face flushed with heat. She didnt want to admit shed already seen his private parts. Twice.

You just proved my point. Brynley went back to painting the toenails on his right foot. You dont have a mean bone in your body.
What do my bones have to do with you painting his toenails? Its going to make him very angry.

Im counting on it. Brynley started on his left foot. I was thinking about it all day, and I dont think youll be able to dump him. Youre too nice. So, the only option left is to piss him off and chase him away.

Marielle grimaced. Chase him away? She glanced at his handsome face. Could she really do that?

Brynley looked up at her. If you try to reason with him, hell just argue with you until you cave in. So the best strategy is to make him so angry, he wants to leave.

Marielle swallowed hard.

Listen carefully, Brynley continued. When he comes after you, furious and demanding why you did this to him, you tell him, I felt like it. And if you dont like it, you can leave and never come back.

That sounds terrible.

Yeah, but it works. Brynleys mouth twisted. I should know. She started on Connors fingernails.

Oh no! Marielle protested. Not those, too.

Brynley gave her a stern look. Its your only hope. Now let me hear you say it.

Marielle winced, then quietly said, I felt like it. And if you dont like it, you can leave and never come back.

Again. With more strength. He has to believe you mean it.

She repeated it, although each word felt like it was being wrenched from her soul.

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