Home > Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(33)

Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(33)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

She didnt like being a vampire?

Nay. She hated me for changing her and no giving her any choice in the matter.

Marielle nodded. And thats why you feel guilt and remorse. But you said everything worked out for her?

Aye. Roman discovered a way to make her mortal again, and now shes happily married to another mortal. They have a wee bairn and another one on the way. She and Austin work for MacKay S and I, too.

Marielle smiled. Thats wonderful. I love happy endings. She lounged back against the sofa. Thank you for telling me. It wasnt too painful, was it?

I may be traumatized for a few centuries.

She scoffed. I let you off easy. I know theres a lot more youre hiding in there. She touched his chest.

He squeezed her hand, grateful that she wasnt going to push any further. It was surprising, though, how easy she had been to talk to.

She scooted closer to him on the couch and leaned her head against his shoulder. When he glanced at her, his chin rubbed against her hair, so silky and soft. The scent of her shampoo filled his nostrils.

He looked away. We should be careful no to get too close.

But I consider you a close friend, Connor. Surely two friends can embrace without it causing problems. She wrapped an arm around his torso and rested her head on his chest.

He swallowed hard. I suppose an occasional hug would be all right. He extended his arm around her shoulders.

She snuggled closer. I do like being able to touch you. For so long I couldnt touch anyone without making them shrivel up and die.

He certainly didnt shrivel up when she touched him.

She skimmed her fingers along his jaw. I like the way your whiskers feel. A little ticklish.

A vision popped into his head of him tickling her bare br**sts with his whiskers.

Thank you for a wonderful evening. She kissed his cheek.

Lass. He touched her face. We shouldna kiss.

It was just a tiny one on your cheek.

He pressed his lips against her brow. Then we willna kiss . . . on the mouth. He kissed her temple.

Thats probably wise. Her hand slipped around his neck.

He trailed kisses down her jaw. We shouldna get too involved.

Exactly. She tilted her head so he could more easily nuzzle her neck. Did you mean what you said earlier about my br**sts?

That I wanted to touch and kiss them?


Aye, I do, he whispered in her ear. But we should be careful. He planted kisses across her cheek.

With a moan, she leaned closer.

We should practice . . . restraint. He kissed the corner of her mouth.


He paused, his mouth only a fraction away from hers. Her lips were open, full and moist. Her breath stirred gently against his lips.

Stop it, ye fool! Before it was too late, he turned his head and kissed the other corner of her mouth.

Someone cleared a throat across the room, and he jumped back. Bugger.

Vanda, Marta, and Brynley were back, and by the looks on their faces, they were enjoying the show.

Chapter Fifteen

Marielle gasped. Heat rushed to her face. She didnt know which was worsethe way the women looked amused or the way Connor looked appalled. Mortified, even.

She rose to her feet. Connor did the same, standing stiffly a few feet away from her.

Hi, guys, Vanda greeted them, her eyes twinkling. Hows the training going?

All right, Marielle mumbled at the same time that Connor grumbled, Good.

Looked real good to me, Brynley said with a smirk.

Marta shook her head, smiling, as she deposited two tote bags on the kitchen counter. We didnt realize we were going to interrupt your . . . workout.

Well, it could have been worse. Vandas mouth twitched. They were practicing restraint, you know.

Marielle winced. Just how long had the women watched?

Connor muttered something in Gaelic that sounded like a curse. I would appreciate it if ye would use some restraint yerselves and no repeat what ye saw.

I didnt see anything. Vanda turned to Brynley. Did you see anything?

Nope, but I have a strange craving for raw oysters.

While the women laughed, Marielle stole a glance at Connor. Anger simmered in his smoky blue eyes when he met her gaze.

I apologize for the . . . embarrassment. His jaw shifted. It willna happen again.

A pang jabbed at her heart. Did he mean he would never kiss her again?

I have a few errands to run. He raised his voice. Ill return shortly before dawn.

Connor, you dont have to . . . Vanda paused when he teleported away. Sheesh, we didnt mean to chase him away.

Party pooper, Brynley muttered.

Marielle frowned at the empty spot where Connor had stood. He hadnt said good-bye.

Are you all right? Marta asked from the kitchen as she unloaded the tote bags.

Marielle nodded. Yes.

Vanda perched on the back of the couch. I dont mean to be nosy, but what the heck is going on? I thought you wanted to go back to heaven.

I do. Marielle stuffed her hands into the pockets of her hooded jacket. Connors helping me.

Is that what he calls it? Vandas eyes narrowed. He had better not be taking advantage of you.

Hes not, Marielle protested. I wanted to Her blush returned.

Holy moley, Brynley whispered. Have you fallen for him?

I . . . Marielle hesitated. I dont know. Maybe.

You dont know? Brynley planted her fists on her hips. The guy is legally dead. And he wears a skirt!

I like his kilt, Marielle said quietly. And hes not really dead.

He talks weird. And hes got red hair! Brynley wrinkled her nose in disgust. You cant possibly think hes good-looking.

Marielle stiffened. Connor is very handsome. And I wont have you insult him further.

Busted! Brynley pointed a finger at her. Dont tell us you dont know. You are seriously into him.

Marielle swallowed hard.

Oh, that was clever of you, Marta said to Brynley. You made her reveal her true feelings.

Brynley shrugged. Ive been around the block a few times.

Marielle fiddled with the zipper on her jacket, recalling how Connor had zipped it up earlier that night. I believe your Three-Step Rule may also be accurate.

Brynley chuckled. I know it is.

Vanda held up a hand. I dont think this is a laughing matter. She regarded Marielle with a worried look. Have you ever been in love before?

She started to say she loved all mankind, but she knew that wasnt what Vanda meant. She was referring to the way her heart lurched whenever she looked at Connor. And the way desire and longing filled her up to the point she feared she might burst. Ive never felt like this before.

And Connor? Vanda asked. How does he feel?

With a sudden pang in her chest, Marielle realized she wanted him to love her.

She winced. How could she be so selfish? Did she really want to leave him brokenhearted when she returned to heaven? He was already burdened with so much pain. How could she add to it? I dont want to hurt him. What should I do?

Vanda exhaled slowly. Well, if youre really planning to leave . . .

You gotta dump him, Brynley finished.

Marielle flinched. But . . . hes my protector. He guards me at night.

We can find someone else to protect you, Brynley suggested.

Vanda nodded. Im sure Ian would do it. And Phil would help, too. You wouldnt have to worry about either of them making a move on you.

Marielles chest tightened. Connors training me to protect myself, and he can enter my mind to tell where to teleport to

Any Vamp can do that, Vanda interrupted. Look. I know you want to keep Connor around. Thats natural when you have feelings for him. But the more involved you get with him, the more its going to hurt when you leave.

Then its settled, Brynley announced. You gotta dump him.

Marielle nodded as tears filled her eyes. God help her. There was no way to avoid hurting Connor. She could hurt him now . . . or later.

And the sooner you dump him, the better, Brynley added.

That seems harsh, Marta said as she walked toward the couch.

Yeah, but thats the way it goes. Brynley slouched in a kitchen chair. Life sucks and then you die. Her eyes narrowed on Marielle. And thats when you show up, right?

A tear rolled down her cheek. Yes.

Dont be so rough, Vanda snapped at Brynley. This sort of thing is new to her.

Marta touched Marielles shoulder. Please dont cry.

Marielle wiped her cheek. I never knew how difficult it was to be human.

Brynley sighed and propped her cowboy boots up on the neighboring chair. Im just saying love isnt for wimps. If you dont have the courage to take it to the end zone, then dont get in the game. She crossed her arms, frowning. I learned that the hard way.

Well, dont take your misery out on the rest of us, Vanda grumbled. She walked over to Marielle and patted her shoulder. Itll be all right. Things have a way of working out in the end.

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