Home > Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(38)

Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(38)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

Ill be there shortly, Buniel replied.

Zack regarded him suspiciously. Two of my Deliverers were working the accident when they reported a time anomaly. Was it you?

No. Buniel motioned toward Connor. I was healing this man.

Zack glanced down at Connor and scoffed. Thats not a man.

Hes a Cheater. Why would you heal a Cheater?

I asked him to, Marielle said quietly.

Zack gave her a curious look. Youre keeping company with Cheaters now?

Hes one of the good Vamps, she explained. Im going to help him and his friends defeat Casimir and his evil gang of Malcontents.

Sounds dangerous, Buniel murmured.

It will be worth it if we can be rid of the evil vampires and make the world a safer place for humans, she continued. And maybe . . . I can be forgiven.

Ah. Zack nodded. The hidden agenda. You want back into heaven.

She needs to go back, Buniel insisted. The human world is too dangerous for her.

And the time anomaly? Zack asked her. What do you know about that?

It was caused by Darafer, she said quietly.

Buniel stiffened. The demon? What does he want with you?

She sighed. He considers me a fallen angel.

Maybe you are, Zack whispered.

Buniel raised a hand toward Zackriel, his eyes a fierce glowing blue. She is not.

Zackriel stepped back, stunned. Are you threatening me, Healer?

Bunny, please. She touched him. Im all right. Darafer tries to trick me into going to hell with him, but I always send him away. She turned to Zackriel. I know you dont believe in me, but I will prove myself worthy.

Zack gave her a worried look, then frowned at Connor. Watch your neck. He vanished.

Buniel smiled at her and drew her into an embrace. Be strong, Marielle. Be careful.

You be careful. She hugged him back. I dont want you to get in trouble for helping me.

With a chuckle, he stepped back. I can take care of myself. He glanced at Connor, then back at her. You have a good heart. If you follow it, you will not regret it. His wings unfurled, and he disappeared.

Bye, she whispered, missing him already. Missing her own wings.

She hurried back to Connor and knelt beside him. How are you? She rested a hand on his chest and felt it moving slowly and steadily as he breathed.

She tucked Bunnys thick white robe around his shoulders. Dont want you getting cold.

She smoothed his hair away from his brow. Skull fracture and concussion. I guess your heads not quite as thick as I thought.

She touched his cheek. Ill just say this while youre asleep, so it wont complicate matters. I love you, Connor Buchanan.

His mouth curled up.

She sat back with a gasp. Youre awake.

His eyes flickered open. Now why would ye want to waste such words on a sleeping man?

Chapter Eighteen

Connors heart filled with joy. It was not a feeling hed felt very often in his four hundred and ninety-nine years of existence, so it came coupled with fear. Fear that it wouldnt last. It couldnt last. She would eventually return to heaven where she belonged. But for now, he would try to savor the moment.

She loved him.

He smiled, recalling the night theyd walked in the park and ridden the carousel. Hed bought her ice cream and gotten hard, watching her eat it. He needed to stop distancing himself from her. Instead, they should create more beautiful memories that he could cherish after she was gone.

He chuckled. Marielle looked so embarrassed. She should be embarrassed. A beautiful angel like her falling for a coldhearted old undead bastard like him. How could he be so fortunate? Better not question it, and just enjoy the moment. Here he was, lying beneath a tree with  His smile faded. Where the hell was he? He struggled to remember, but his thoughts were fuzzy.

A memory flashed through his mind. A blaring horn and bright headlights. The truck! He sat up and winced at the tenderness in his ribs.

Careful. She touched his shoulder. You may still be a little sore.

Sore from what? He looked her over. Ye dinna get hit?

No, you saved me. And I know I should be grateful, but really, Connor, it makes me angry. You left yourself right in the path of the truck. You have to be more careful. It would have killed me if youd been run down.

His mouth twitched. Because ye love me?

Im serious. Dont you dare put yourself in danger like that again.

How did I get here? He touched the thick white robe that had fallen into his lap. And where did this come from?

Bunny gave it to you.

His eyes widened in feigned horror as he examined the length of the robe. Thats one hell of a big rabbit.

She laughed. Its from Buniel. My friend, the Healer.

I figured that. His jaw shifted as he imagined her perfect angelic boyfriend. Why was he here? And why was he taking off his clothes?

He healed you. She gave him a wry look. You can thank him later. You had a fractured skull, a concussion, cracked ribs, multiple contusions

I was injured? He rubbed his rib cage. No wonder it seemed a bit tender. I was hit by the truck?

No. I managed to move you out of the way with a blast of air.

Och, thats good. Thank you. He smiled. All yer hard work and practice paid off.

I suppose. She ducked her head, still looking embarrassed.

He felt his head. There was dried blood in his hair. A fractured skull? No wonder he couldnt remember much. How did I get injured then?

You . . . uh . . . She pointed up a rocky incline. The road is up there. You . . . fell down here.

I fell off a bloody cliff? How could he have been so clumsy? Why hadnt he simply teleported to safety?

I . . . it was my fault. She hung her head. I may have used a little too much force with the blast of air

Ye blew me off a cliff? he shouted.

She winced. Its not really a cliff. Its more of a . . . slope.

He huffed. Is that how ye treat the man ye love?

Well, yes. She lifted her chin. I was desperate to save you. And when Darafer froze you

What? Connor jumped to his feet. Darafer was here?

Up there. She stood and pointed to the road. He froze time. He froze you right in front of the truck.

Connor shook his head. This was too strange. He froze time?

Yes. Darafer froze everything except himself and . . . me.

Connors heart plummeted. Shed been in terrible danger, and hehe had been completely helpless. I He stumbled back, knocking against the tree.

Careful. She grabbed his arm. You may be a little dizzy from the concussion.

Nay. He moved aside, breaking her grip.

Bugger. Anger swelled inside him. She was trying to take care of him, trying to protect him.

That was his job! He was supposed to protect her! And hed failed her.

Just like he had failed to protect his wife and bairn. How can ye love me? I was bloody useless!

She stiffened with surprise. Dont say that.

He paced away. All this time, Ive stayed by yer side in case that bastard showed up. And when he did, I did nothing.

Its not your fault. He has powers that are beyond both of us.

Connor rushed toward her and grabbed her by the shoulders. Did he hurt you? If that bastard harmed you, Ill find a way into hell and

Dont say that! She pressed her hand over his mouth. Dont ever try to fight him. Please.

Connor took her hand in his. What good am I to you if I canna protect you?

You do protect me. You saved me from the truck. You saved me that first night.

He kissed her palm. It breaks my heart that I couldna protect you from the demon.

Im fine. Darafer cant take me to hell unless I agree, and I will never agree. She rested her hands on his cheeks. You have never failed me. You have been a blessing to me since the moment you found me.

Och, lass. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. It made his ribs hurt, but he couldnt complain. He would have her for only a short while.

Shall we go home? he asked.

Yes. She picked the white robe off the ground and shook it out. We were lucky Bunny showed up. She plucked Connors phone off the ground, and it instantly lit up. I was going to call your friends for help, but I didnt know how.

Ill show you later. He dropped the phone into his sporran and pulled her back into his arms. Lets go.

Connor dropped his torn and tattered kilt on the bathroom floor. It was beyond repair. The T-shirt hed worn was shredded, too. He examined his leather sporran. Scuffed up a bit, but it would still do.

He took a quick look over his body. Apart from a little soreness, he appeared intact. Marielles angelic boyfriend had patched him up well. He didnt know whether to be grateful or pissed. Just the thought that hed been frozen and then later unconscious while demons and angels had dropped by to visit, it was too much.

He stepped into the shower and lathered up his bloodied hair. He decided on being pissed. Aye, that suited him well. He was a vampire, dammit. A supernatural being with his own set of awesome powers. Hed been able to control mortal minds for centuries. Hed been able to defeat any mortal or Malcontent in battle. He was top dog. Top of the food chain.

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