Home > The Arrangement Vol. 1(16)

The Arrangement Vol. 1(16)
Author: H.M. Ward

"Thanks," I say, pulse pounding harder. I take a deep breath and try to calm down.

"Have you thought about what you're going to say to him?" Mel steps back and grabs a comb. She quickly pulls my long locks into a beautiful style. I don't even know what to call it. It's half up and half down. Loose strands hang by my shoulders as random curls are pinned and twisted onto the back of my head.

"No, not really. And Mel, if he says no, I'm walking away from this. If I can't do it with him, I just can't do it."

Mel stills her hands and presses her lips together. "You give up too easy."

"Maybe, but I have to be able to live with myself. My body and emotions aren't detached. I don't know how to do this without falling for the guy."

Mel folds her arms over her chest. She still has to get ready to go out later. "Listen, it'll come to you. One of the things I don't do is lingering kisses, you know the kind. They get all hot and heavy. It makes it feel like something it's not. That preference sheet isn't just what you like, it's what you can tolerate."

"What if I cry the whole time? What if I can't tolerate any of it?"

"You're stronger than that, Avery. Me and you, we're on our own. We're strong because we have to be. We don't need anyone or anything. We got our sights set on something and we get it, no matter the cost."

My stomach curls. She's just like me, maybe a little more battered by life, but we're the same. "The end justifies the means."

"Surviving justifies anything."

Chapter 13

I drive my crap car to Miss Black's. She invites me into the back and pulls out the measuring tape. I strip to my lacy undergarments and she takes it in, approves, and then measures me and writes it down. I slip the dress back on, careful not to mess up my hair and zip the dress up.

"There's one thing that you have to do to keep this job and that is to portray the confidence that our girls have. Since it's your first time, I know how you must be feeling, but all the same, you can't let it affect your performance. Because, that's what this is - a performance. The client wants an innocent young girl and you will fulfill that role. He doesn't want to hear your life story or why you entered this line of business. You are forbidden to discuss weighty matters or your personal life. Do you understand?"

I nod. It's not like I'm planning on spilling my guts to him and I can pull off inexperienced young girl, since I am one. "How am I supposed to be innocent and confident? I didn't think those things went together."

"Well, here they do. A tease is confident and younger women that flaunt their bodies usually have no idea what they're in for. You're to be that woman, confident and craving sex. Use your body the way you normally would to pick up a guy, but be more overt with it. Mr. Ferro will tailor the experience to be what he wants. When you get to that point, just follow his lead."

I nod again. It sounds easy, but I still feel my nerves swirling in my stomach. Miss Black asks me to follow her into her office. She rounds her desk and pulls out a gold bracelet from her top drawer. It has a little black stone in the center of the chain. She hands it to me. "Wear this at all times. It lets us know you are where you are supposed to be. If something goes horribly wrong, smash the stone. A security signal will be sent and help will arrive, but do not crush it unless it's life or death."

I take it and put it on my wrist. It's a little too big. "Has anyone ever had to use it?"

She shakes her head. "No, the threat is clear enough. Our clients know you have it and what will happen if one of our girls is harmed in any way. It's not pretty. The threat alone makes them behave."

I nod and stare at the black bead, wondering how it works. There must be something inside the stone, GPS and a transmitter of some sort.

After a few more words of instruction, I head downstairs where a car is waiting for me. My heart pounds against my ribs as I slip into the back seat of the limo. We pull into traffic. I feel like I can't breathe.

Calm down. It's only Sean. You can do this. My little pep talks falls flat. I'm afraid. I can't shake the feeling, so I try to ignore it. I look out the window for a while, but that makes me nervous too. I know where we are, I know where we are going. We'll be there any minute.

I decide to check my make-up. As I reach into my purse, the golden bracelet slips off my wrist. It's too loose. I look at it and know that I need to keep it on. Glancing at my ankle, I bend over and fasten it around my leg. It fits better there. When I sit up, the car slows and I see the hotel. It's one of the swank privately owned hotels in the affluent section of the city.

The car pulls in front and stops. My chest feels like it's going to explode. I don't breathe, I don't blink. The driver opens my door. I lift my foot and step out onto the pavement. Eyes fall on me, taking in my regal appearance. I wonder if they know why I'm here, and immediately dispel that thought. If they knew why I was here, there would be cops and there are none.

I step from the car and walk confidently toward the door. The doorman pulls it open for me, and I step inside. Miss Black told me to be confident, to move like I belong here, but my jaw drops slightly when I step inside. Opulence drips from every surface in this building. I try to ignore it, but I can't. My eyes drift from the gold gilding, to the large chandelier with sparkling crystals hanging in the center of the room.

I continue to walk. I'm to head to the restaurant on the second floor. I remember everything and when I reach the podium where the garson stands, my voice is steady. I am meeting someone. I tell him the name, and am led through the restaurant. The lights are low. The walls are decorated with rich fabrics and candelabras that match the large crystal fixture downstairs.

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