Home > Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(22)

Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(22)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

Marielle sat up. Chocolate? She took the fork and poked at the cake.

Oh no, Marta whispered. Youre supposed to eat the cake last.

Why? Marielle put a bite of cake in her mouth.

Brynley laughed as she took a seat at the opposite end of the table. Ive always wondered that myself.

Vanda set a glass of water and a napkin on the table. After all youve been through tonight, Id say to hell with the rules.

Marielle nodded as the chocolate melted in her mouth. So delicious. Im not good at following orders.

Brynley sighed. Im going through a rebellious period myself right now.

You dont want to get married? Marta brought two bottles of synthetic blood to the table and handed one to her sister. She and Vanda sat in the side chairs.

I could live for hundreds of years. Brynley slouched in her chair. Why would I want to chain myself to one person?

Your brother did. Marta sipped from her bottle.

Brynley shrugged. Phils in love. She gave Vanda an annoyed look, then grumbled, But he seems to be happy.

Vanda smiled. He is. She took a drink from her bottle.

Marielle continued to eat the cake while she watched the women.

You might change your mind about marriage when you meet the right man, Marta suggested.

Brynley scoffed. No such thing as the right man. Theyre all alike. Mortals or shifterstheyre all interested in the same thing. She drummed her fingers on the table. Not that I have anything against sex. I really like sex. A lot.

Marta winced and glanced at Marielle. I dont know if thats an appropriate topic.

Please dont feel that you have to censor yourself on my account. Marielle took another bite of cake.

Exactly. If were supposed to give her advice on being a woman, then she needs to know about men. Brynley jumped up and headed into the kitchen. Is there any more of that cake?

Vanda looked at Marielle curiously. What do you think? Are all men alike?

No. I believe each human is unique. A vision of Connor drifted across her mind.

Ill admit that they can look and act a little differently, Brynley called from the kitchen. But they still have only one thing on their mind.

Marta shook her head. Not all the time.

Brynley walked back to the table, a plate of cake in one hand and a fork in the other. You havent heard of the Three-Step Rule?

The what? Marta asked.

Brynley set her plate on the table and took a seat. This is how it works. At any given time, sex is only three steps away in a mans thoughts.

Vanda grinned. All the time? What if I ask Phil to take out the garbage?

Brynley counted the steps off on her fingers. One: sure,Ill take out the garbage for her. Two: what could she do for me? Three: blow job.

Vanda burst out laughing while Marta turned pink and gave Marielle an apologetic look. Its not funny, she hissed at her sister.

Vanda covered her mouth to hide her grin. Its just that two nights ago I asked Phil to take out the garbage and then afterward

Dont want to hear it. Brynley lifted her hands to stop Vanda.

Certainly not. Marta took a sip from her bottle.

Whats a blow job? Marielle asked.

Marta choked.

Vanda and Brynley laughed, then looked at each other.

Are you going to tell her? Brynley asked.

You tell her, Vanda muttered. You brought it up.

Brynley stabbed at her cake. Its o**l s*x, somebodys mouth on somebodys private parts. She stuffed a big bite into her mouth.

So its similar to kissing? Marielle asked.

Mmm. Brynley nodded with her mouth full. She pointed down with her fork. But farther down.

Marielle recalled the image of Connor flat on his back with his kilt thrown up to his chest. Her cheeks grew warm as the full meaning became clear.

No offense, Brynley, but Im not convinced about your Three-Step Rule, Marta announced. There are times,dangerous times, when men have to think about more important things than sex.

Marielle nodded. That made sense to her. Shed been in the company of men tonight, and they hadnt discussed sex.

I have to agree, Vanda said. Ive been around Vamps for years, and if the guys were always thinking about sex, then their eyes would be glowing all the time.

Vampire eyes glow? Brynley asked.

Marielle stiffened, and her heart began to race.

Yes, Vanda replied. You can always tell when a Vamps in the mood for sex. Our eyes glow red.

The fork tumbled from Marielles hand.

Are you all right? Marta asked.

Yes. She quickly picked up the fork. Its just that this is all new to me. Connor had wanted to have sex with her? Three times? Her cheeks blazed with heat.

No need to feel embarrassed, Marta assured her. Youll get used to being human.

II think Im full. She set the fork down.

Marta wrapped up the food and stashed it in the fridge while Vanda bustled Marielle into the bathroom and showed her all the products theyd brought. After Marielle was done, Vanda helped her into a blue silk nightgown.

Any questions? Vanda asked, sitting on the bed next to Marielle.

I dont think so. She combed her damp hair, enjoying the flowery scent of the shampoo shed used. The silk material felt good against her skin. I must seem like a helpless child.

Vanda smiled. You dont look like a child. Youre really beautiful, you know. Im sure the men noticed.

Her cheeks warmed, thinking about Connor. When was she going to see him again?

Vanda patted her on the shoulder, then stood. Its almost sunrise. My sister and I need to go. But well come back tomorrow night, if you like.

That would be lovely. Thank you. Marielle followed Vanda back into the main room to say good-bye to Marta.

The two Vamp women disappeared.

Brynley lifted a shotgun off the gun rack on the wall. Ill just get this ready in case we need it.

Marielle nodded, though she wasnt sure how well the human weapon would work on a demon.

A form materialized in the kitchen, and Marielles heart lurched when she realized it was Connor.

She grinned. Youre back!

His eyes widened as he looked her over. She noticed hed changed into a clean kilt and shirt. His hair was damp and tied back neatly. In his arms, he carried three sheathed swords.

Hello! Brynley called from the kitchen table where she was loading the shotgun. You must be Connor.

Aye. Ye must be Brynley, Phils sister. He inclined his head. Thank you for coming.

Not a problem, Brynley said. You came well armed.

Aye. He set two of the swords on the kitchen counter, but kept one. Feel free to use these, if ye need to. He gave Marielle a worried look. The sun is about to rise. I doona have time to teach you tonight.

Ill be fine, she assured him. I still have some of my own skills.

Aye. Ye knocked me out twice with that blast of air.

She tried not to think about how shed discovered him flat on his back with his kilt up. Dont think about it.

He opened the door to a walk-in closet, then went inside and placed the third sword on the floor. He took a blanket off the shelf and spread it beside the sword.

She peered inside. What are you doing?

Ill be falling into my death-sleep soon.

I . . . dont like thinking about you being dead.

His mouth twisted. Usually, I welcome it.

How can you say that?

He shrugged. Ye canna feel anything when yere dead. He gave her a worried look. Tonight I hate it. I hate no being here for you, no knowing if yell be all right.

Ill be fine. She glanced at the floor. Wouldnt you be more comfortable in the bed?

The bedroom has windows. The sunlight would fry me. He tilted his head, studying her. You should use the bed. It has been a long night. Ye must be verra tired.

She nodded. She was beginning to feel weary. And sad.

Ye need to go now, lass, he whispered. Im about to keel over.

She stepped back, then froze when he touched her cheek.

Be safe.

She smiled slightly. You, too. She shut the door. Why did she feel like crying?

Instead of going into the bedroom, she went out the front door and stood on the porch. The sun broke the horizon in the east, shooting glorious rays through the trees and painting the sky with gold and pink.

The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,  she whispered. Her vision blurred with tears, and she blinked them away. Shed always loved sunrises in the past.

But now, she could only think of Connor dying in the closet.

A few hours later, she could barely keep her eyes open. Brynley encouraged her to go to bed and get some sleep.

As she brought the sheet up to her chin, she thought of Connor in the closet. Still dead. Her eyes flickered shut.

A moment of panic flared when she felt a dragging sensation on her consciousness. She opened her eyes, staring at the ceiling. Shed never slept before. Shed always rested on the Seventh Day, but shed never slipped away into a real sleep. It was an odd sensation, so peaceful and comforting, yet terrifying as all her control withered away.

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