Home > Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(17)

Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(17)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

Tell that to Shanna, Gregori muttered.

Who? Marielle asked.

Stop yer yammering, Connor growled at Gregori. We can warn her no to touch mortals and leave it at that.

Are you saying Im still dangerous? Her eyes widened with alarm.

Only to mortals, Connor grumbled. Ye can touch us Vamps without a problem. Were already somewhat dead.

And how do you know this? What happened? She gave him an annoyed look when he remained silent. Youd better tell me. You may be centuries old, but I am millennia old, so dont treat me like a child.

He arched a brow at her and whispered, Have I been treating you like a child?

Her cheeks turned pink.

My dear, Father Andrew began. Perhaps we can help you fill in the blanks if you tell us what you remember from tonight. He motioned to the rocking chair as he sat on the couch. I, for one, am very eager to hear your story.

All right. She perched on the rocking chair while Connor remained standing by her side.

Robby and Gregori sat on the couch, sandwiching the priest between them.

She folded her hands in her lap. Earlier this evening, we were sent to a campground in the area known as South Dakota.

Who is we? Robby asked.

My supervisor Zackriel and I, she explained. We received orders to deliver seven souls. After we arrived, I took a married couple. They were already dead, but their souls were clinging to each other in great fear and despair over their children.

She shook her head, closing her eyes briefly. I took them quickly so they could be at peace, but they pleaded for their children, and I . . . She clenched her hands together tightly. I could not bear it. Two of the children were still alive, barely, but I thought they could be saved, so I refused to take them.

Connor touched her shoulder. His beautiful, sweet Marielle; shed lost everything, trying to protect two children. She glanced up at him with tears in her eyes. God help him, he wanted to pull her into his arms and comfort her. But he couldnt do it in front of the others. What he was feeling was far too intense to let anyone else see.

What happened then? Father Andrew asked.

She dragged her gaze away from Connor, reluctantly, he thought, and continued, Zackriel and I argued, but in the end, more Deliverers came to help him take the children. I flew off into the woods to grieve and pray. Then a little while later, Zack found me and told me I was to be banished.

Damn, Gregori muttered. Thats harsh. All you wanted to do is save a few kids.

She wiped a tear from her cheek. I disobeyed orders. And it was the third time. I should have known better. Every time I have disobeyed, the consequences have been dire. Tragic events occur in the human world that could have been avoided if Id only done as I was told.

Robby glanced at Connor, then back at her. So ye have trouble following orders? Where have I heard that before?

Connor gave him a wry look.

So I was punished, she continued, her shoulders sagging. Zackriel took my wings. I dont remember much after that.

I heard him attacking you. Connor squeezed her shoulder. I saw the fireballs and heard yer screams. He left you in a dirty pit, bleeding and wounded.

She looked up at him, her eyes softening. I remember someone holding me and a soft, lilting voice that gave me comfort.

Oh yeah. Gregori smirked. Our Connor is such a sweetie.

He grabbed a paperback book off a nearby bookshelf and tossed it at Gregori, who managed to dodge it with vampire speed.

Ye doona remember going anywhere? Robby asked.

Marielle shook her head. I remember pain, lots of pain. And darkness. It was very strange, because Ive never lost consciousness before. I suppose it happened because of this human body I have now. When I woke up, I was here. With Connor.

She glanced up at him, her blue eyes beseeching. Please tell me what happened.

He groaned inwardly. I wanted to spare you the details. Twas no yer fault, lass. Ye kept telling me no to touch you, but I did anyway, and nothing happened. Emma, Roman, and Laszlo touched you, too

When? Marielle asked. Where?

At Romatech Industries, Connor explained.  Tis the place where we manufacture the synthetic blood ye saw me drinking. Roman and Laszlo are brilliant scientists, so I took you there, thinking they could patch you up.

You were trying to save my life, she said quietly.

Aye. He didnt want to admit hed suspected her of being a Malcontent, or that hed wanted to keep her alive so he could question her. Ye warned us several times no to touch you, but we dinna think much of it . . .

She stiffened. I didnt kill someone, did I? She jumped to her feet. Tell me! If hes not scheduled to die, then maybe its not too late to undo it.

Shes no dead, Robby said, anger flashing in his eyes. Shes in a coma.

Oh God. Marielle lifted a trembling hand to her mouth.

IIll pray for her to be healed. Bunny could do it.

A rabbit? Robby and Gregori both asked.

She shook her head, then bowed her head, clasping her hands together close to her mouth as she murmured quietly.

Buniel is a healing angel, Connor explained. He touched Marielles arm. Shanna is in a vampire coma. Her husband attempted to transform her.

She turned to him, opening her eyes. Her husband is a vampire?

Yes, Roman Draganesti. Shanna already planned on becoming a vampire. It just happened sooner than they expected.

Were no sure if shes going to make it, Robby grumbled.

Then I will pray for Bunny to help her through. Marielles eyes brimmed with tears. Im so sorry. You were trying to save me, and I repaid your kindness with . . . death.

Tis no yer fault, Connor insisted. Ye warned us

Of course its my fault! A tear rolled down her face. I disobeyed again. And that always causes terrible things to happen. She gripped Connors shirt in her fists. I always mess up! And I hate it!

Lass! He grabbed her hands and squeezed them. Bugger, she was falling apart. He knew shed been through too much in one night. Come, lets . . . see what Emma packed for you.


Come. He dragged her back toward the kitchen and grabbed the tote bag off the counter. He glanced back at the three men who were all standing and watching. She needs a break.

Robby frowned. I still have a lot of questions.

Father Andrew lifted a hand. Leave her be for now. Connors right.

He gave the priest a grateful nod, then escorted Marielle to a nearby bedroom. She stumbled alongside him as if in a daze.

He opened the bedroom door and handed her the tote bag. Take all the time ye need.

She gazed up at him, her cheeks glistening with tears. I didnt mean to harm your friend.

I know, lass. He longed to brush the tears away, even kiss them away, but he didnt want to do it in front of the three guys. Yere all that is good and pure

She burst into tears.

Damn. Hed thought he was saying the right thing.

Im not good, she wailed. I keep disobeying.

Disobeying is no so bad, he grumbled. I do it all the time.

But dont you see? Whenever I disobey, Im questioning the wisdom of the Father. Its rebellion. She shook her head. Maybe Darafer is right

Nay! He grabbed her by the shoulders. Ye willna believe that bastard. He pulled her into the bedroom and shut the door so the guys wouldnt see him fussing at an angel. Unfortunately, Robby and Gregori might still hear him with their heightened vampire senses.

He tossed the tote bag onto the bed and led her toward the door that made a second entrance into the bathroom. I willna have ye thinking poorly of yerself.

I killed your friends wife, she mumbled.

Ye dinna kill her. He wet a washcloth in the bathroom sink. Shes in a coma, turning into a vampire, which is what she had planned to do eventually.

If her husband didnt happen to be a vampire, she would have died.

Shell be all right. He wiped Marielles face.  Twas my fault for taking you there.

You shouldnt blame yourself. You didnt know what I am. She sighed. I suppose we should be grateful her husband had time to transform her. Usually when I touch a mortal, their death is immediate.

Ye dinna touch her. She touched you. He set the wet towel down on the counter. She had on latex gloves, too.

Oh. Marielle nodded slowly. Then my power was diminished. Thank God.

No more talk about believing that damned demon. He gave her a fierce look. Ye dinna screw up. I did. I do it often, so Im quite good at it.

She smiled. I dont believe that, but thank you. I feel better now. I shall pray that your friend comes through.

Good. Lets see what Emma packed for you. He strode back into the bedroom.

Marielle followed slowly. I shouldnt have doubted myself. Thats exactly what Darafer is counting on. He knows Im cut off from the Heavenly Host, so Im missing the constant stream of praise and confirmation. I never realized how hard it is for humans to stand strong in their faith. You are truly . . . amazing.

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