Home > Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14)(17)

Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14)(17)
Author: Sienna Mercer

But instead, Amelia’s face straightened. She looked back up at the ceiling, and the moment passed. Two chairs away, Finn shrugged and went back to rolling the wheels of the board. Creak! Creak!

Amelia’s right, Olivia thought glumly. That really is quite irritating.

But what was even more irritating was the fact that the two of them were wasting their perfect opportunity. Were they really going to let this moment slip through their fingertips without saying another word to each other?

Had she made a terrible mistake setting this up? She’d been so sure they liked each other. But . . .

Wait! What’s that?

Finn wasn’t looking at the ground any more. His gaze had turned . . . to Amelia. And he wasn’t looking away.

Olivia held her breath as she turned to look for the Goth-Queen’s reaction.

Amelia had definitely noticed, too. Her eyes might still be fixed on the ceiling, but her normally-pale skin was flushing pink. And as Olivia watched, Amelia ever-so-casually lifted her left hand out of her lap and laid it on the empty chair between them.

Yes, yes, yes! Olivia willed Finn. Take her hand. Just do it!

Finn’s own cheeks had flushed now, too. His gaze rested on Amelia’s hand. Slowly, slo-o-o-owly, his own right hand lifted to hover in the air just above hers. His gaze flicked to Amelia’s. She didn’t look at him, but she didn’t move her hand, either. Gradually, his hand began to lower over hers . . .

Loud footsteps sounded in the hallway behind Olivia. She spun around. Oh, no. It was Principal Carson!

She lunged down the hallway to intercept him. He can’t go into the office. Not now!

She thudded to a halt in front of him just before he could turn the corner. ‘Mr Carson!’ she gasped.

‘Olivia Abbott?’ Frowning down at her, the principal came to a halt. ‘What is it?’

Olivia gulped. I forgot how tall he is!

As he loomed over her, broad and intimidating in his sharply creased grey suit, he blocked out the light. ‘Um . . .’ Olivia’s head whirled, then went completely blank. ‘Uh . . .’ Why didn’t I come up with a plan for this part?

He shook his head impatiently. ‘Miss Abbott, if there’s something you’d like to say to me, please do so.’ He looked over her head. ‘Otherwise –’

‘There is! There is something I wanted to say.’

‘I see.’ He sighed and began to move around her. ‘Shall we discuss it in my office?’

‘No!’ She almost leaped to plant herself in front of him again, blocking his way. ‘This can’t wait. I have to . . . um . . .’ Her thoughts whirled. ‘I have to complain about my homework!’

‘I beg your pardon?’ He blinked.

Inwardly, Olivia winced at what she was about to do. But she had no choice – Finn and Amelia’s meet-cute moment had to be protected at all costs. If Olivia could get the two of them together, she could unite the whole school, which meant that she and Ivy might actually be able to hang out again. Like twins should. It was crazy that they were split apart!

Pretend you’re Jessica Phelps, she thought. Just say exactly what she would say. She wouldn’t worry about embarrassing herself !

She drew herself up. ‘Do you realise how much homework my teachers want me to do while I’m on-set next week?’ she demanded. ‘Don’t any of you understand I have commitments and responsibilities? I am a movie star, you know?’

. . . And I sound like a stuck-up witch! she finished miserably, to herself.

Mr Carson gave her a weary smile. ‘I understand you are under a lot of pressure, Miss Abbott, especially for someone so young. What you must remember, though, is that your education is still primary, even above your film commitments. You really wouldn’t want to fall behind.’ He started to move around her. ‘And now –’

‘No!’ Cringing inwardly, Olivia turned her nose up in the air. ‘I have to warn you, Principal Carson, you will be hearing from my agent about this!’

If I still have an agent, anyway. She hadn’t spoken to Amy Teller for so long, even Olivia wasn’t sure about it!

‘I’m sure I will,’ Mr Carson said. ‘But for now, just worry about getting to your homework done on time, please, Miss Abbott.’

He walked past her briskly, and Olivia sagged. Reluctantly, she began to walk away, moving as slowly as possible. She came to a stop, though, when she heard Mr Carson step into his office. ‘Mr Jorgensen. And . . .?’ He sounded surprised. ‘Why are you here, Miss Thompson?’

Amelia sounded as haughty as ever as she replied, ‘I was told that you wanted to see me.’

‘Well, unless you can tell me exactly which teacher sent you here, you should get off home,’ Mr Carson said. ‘At least, unlike Mr Jorgensen, you don’t take inappropriate toys to school.’

‘Sir, my board isn’t a toy!’ Finn protested.

‘Save it for the office,’ Mr Carson drawled. ‘And now, Miss Thompson, if you don’t mind . . .?’

Amelia’s annoyed sigh was so loud, it carried down the hall. Uh-oh, Olivia thought. Time to get out of sight. Fast!

She scampered as quickly as she could through the hallway, ducking and diving around corners until she made it out through a side door of the school. As she pushed the door open, she darted a glance backwards, just to make sure Amelia wasn’t heading in her direction. Luckily, Amelia was nowhere in sight . . . but as Olivia tumbled through the door, she ran straight into a stinky leather trench coat that almost smothered her.

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