Home > Edge of Dawn (Midnight Breed #11)(19)

Edge of Dawn (Midnight Breed #11)(19)
Author: Lara Adrian

"Let's get out of here," Brock murmured, nuzzling his mate's neck. "Dinner out is optional."

"Wait a second." She ducked out of his embrace and jogged to one of the bookcases to pull a slim journal from the far corner of the shelf. She came back, held the aged, leather-bound volume out to Dare.

"What's this?" he asked, taking it from her.

"My very first journal. I wrote it in the weeks after I arrived at the Order's old compound in Boston."

Darion smoothed his hand over the faded brown cover, then carefully opened the book. The spine cracked softly, pages brittle as he turned them, looking at Jenna's bold script that filled the journal.

"If you really want to study the Breed and learn your own history, you need to start at the beginning." She smiled at him, her once-human eyes holding him in a gaze that was as wise as the most sage elder of his race. "You might also gain a better understanding of your father from this book."

Darion held her stare, then glanced down at the journal he held so carefully in his warrior's hands.

When he looked up again, Jenna and Brock were gone.

Darion opened to the first page and began to read.

Kellan drove to the back of a closed community park in Brookline and cut the headlights on the old Wrangler. Mira hadn't said a thing the entire trip north from the rebel base in New Bedford, aside from the choice words she had for him when he'd placed her in the vehicle wearing a blindfold and handcuffs. True, after he finished with her tonight, she wouldn't remember anything about where she'd been or how he and his crew operated, but Kellan wasn't taking any chances.

"I'm sorry, but it was necessary," he said, reaching over to remove the restraints from her hands. "We can't risk any more problems than what we already have."

As soon as he freed her, Mira tugged down the blindfold and slanted him a measuring look. "Are you going to kill Jeremy Ackmeyer?"

"If I wanted him dead, don't you think he would be already?"

"Maybe he is." Her eyes narrowed on him before she turned her head to look out toward the vacant parklands. "How do I know anything you say is the truth?"

Kellan cursed under his breath. "He is alive, Mira. He'll stay alive, so long as he agrees to my terms."

"What terms?"

He felt her eyes on him again, but this time he was the one who stared at the sea of dark nothing ahead of him through the glass. "Ackmeyer has something I want. Something of extreme value that I can't allow anyone else to get their hands on."

"So, this is about money?" She practically spat the words. "Is that what you've become - a common thief, like your friends back at your bunker?"

"I am not a thief, Mira. Common or otherwise."

"No," she replied. "From the way they fawn and lick your boots, I'd say you're practically their king. Congratulations, by the way. You must be incredibly proud of yourself, seeing how far you've come in these past eight years."

It burned, the acid in her tone. He turned a level glance on her, not wanting to let on how deeply it would wound him if she truly hated him. What would be the point in letting her know that now? "You shouldn't make assumptions about things you don't understand."

"Then enlighten me . . . Bowman, is it?" She shook her head, her pretty mouth twisted in a humorless smile. "Kellan Archer dies a much-mourned hero, and in his place rises Bowman, leader of the rebel resistance. Traitor to everything he once believed in."

"I'm not proud of the way I handled things." And he hated like hell to think how close she was coming to the heart of his reasons for wanting everyone he cared for to believe he was dead and gone. "I never planned to be in this place, Mira. You just have to trust that I had my reasons. I did what I had to."

"Trust?" She barked a sharp laugh. "Oh, that's rich, coming from you. Especially now, when you're sitting here, about to give me a good old-fashioned mind scrub. That's why you brought me here tonight, isn't it?"

He killed the engine and the ancient Jeep rumbled to a stop. "Come on," he said. "Let's get some fresh air."

She didn't budge. "Aren't you worried I'll make a break for it?"

He smiled despite the gravity of the moment. "You never go down easy, do you?"


"You may be tough, Mira, but you're not Breed," he reminded her. "You can't outrun me."

"And you made sure I couldn't fight you either. Don't think I haven't noticed your thieving colleagues kept my daggers."

"You'll get the blades back after this is over. I'll see to that."

"Even the one I dropped during the ambush by your rebel underlings?"

Kellan scowled, caught off guard.

"Oh, didn't you know?" she asked, visibly pleased by his surprise. "They must not have noticed, and left it behind. My comm unit too. It's in the glove compartment of the car I was driving."

"Fuck," Kellan growled through gritted teeth.

"Homo sapiens." Mira sighed with no little drama. "So careless sometimes. I'm sure Lucan's going to be curious why my comm signal hasn't moved in the past, what . . . twelve hours?" She gave him a cold, satisfied smile. "It makes you wonder, doesn't it? What else might your crew have overlooked that will come back to bite you in the ass later?"

Kellan considered the possibility, reluctant to admit she had a point. But she underestimated Candice, Doc, and Chaz. Even Vince had plenty of pros to make up for the frequent cons of his hair-trigger temper and tendency toward excessive force. The team had phoned in the problem of Mira's disabled vehicle, and so Nina had tapped a contact in that area to toss the plates and hack the VIN before towing the heap to a scrap yard. Mira's comm unit was very likely nothing but crushed circuitry and dust by now.

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