Home > Splendid (The Splendid Trilogy #1)(88)

Splendid (The Splendid Trilogy #1)(88)
Author: Julia Quinn

“Did you have something you wanted to share with us?” Henry asked, one eyebrow raised.

Emma swallowed and plunged forward, turning her face toward Alex. “I would be honored to marry you, your grace.” She paused, tilting her chin up slightly. “If you would see fit to ask me.”

Caroline groaned, and Henry rolled his eyes, but Alex could not stop a small smile from dancing across his face. He supposed that this was, after all, the reason he loved her so much. “Would you like me to get down on one knee?” he asked, looking deeply into Emma’s eyes.

Emma nervously licked her lips. His tone was teasing, but somehow she knew that he would do it if she asked. “No,” she said, burning under his intense emerald gaze. “I don’t think that will be necessary.”

Alex’s smile widened just a bit as he looked down at Emma. She was still in Ned’s clothing and looked so endearing, standing there with her chin up as she tried to hold onto her pride. He longed to reach forward and tuck a lock of her bright hair behind her ear, but, mindful of Henry and Caroline’s presence, he took her hand instead and raised it to his lips. “Will you marry me?” he said softly.

Emma nodded, not quite trusting herself to speak. Henry and Caroline, sensing that their work was done, quietly left the room, leaving Emma alone with Alex, her hand still at his lips.

“I’m sorry I didn’t get it right the first time,” he said softly.

Emma felt a smile tugging across her lips. “Actually, I think that was the second time.”

Alex nodded. “You are correct. But if you recall, I didn’t get it right the first time either.”

Emma sighed, remembering the awful scene in Alex’s parlor. Good Lord, was that only two days ago? It seemed like a lifetime had passed since then. “No, you didn’t,” she said softly. “But I think we ought to put all of that behind us. It would be nice if we could start our marriage on an optimistic note.”

“I agree,” Alex replied, absently stroking her hand with his thumb. He wanted to pull her into his arms. He wanted to kiss her senseless. But he was a little afraid. Of what exactly, he wasn’t sure, but he somehow knew that his entire life hung in a very delicate balance, and he didn’t want to upset it. So he just stood there, stroking her hand, not knowing what to say, and feeling like a fool for being so unsure of himself. “I will try not to be so controlling,” he said finally, his voice grave.

Emma’s eyes flew to his. He looked so serious, so earnest that it was difficult not to throw her arms around him. “I will try not to be so stubborn,” she replied.

A ghost of a smile touched Alex’s face as he gathered her into his arms and held her gently against his large frame. Emma wrapped her arms around his waist and let her cheek rest against his chest. She sighed softly, feeling the beautiful warmth that radiated from his body. His heartbeat thumped loud and strong against her ear, and she decided that he was going to have to be the one to eventually break the tender moment, because nothing in heaven or on earth could make her move.

But no matter how perfectly splendid she felt at that moment, she couldn’t quite stifle the thought that she was marrying a man who cared for her, yes, but who didn’t quite trust her. He said he realized that she was different from the ton ladies who pursued him relentlessly, but Emma was afraid that some of his old scars simply ran too deep. She wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to trust a woman completely.

And then, of course, he hadn’t said that he loved her. Emma stiffened slightly at that thought but then reminded herself that she hadn’t yet told him of her feelings either.

Alex felt her posture change and dropped a gentle kiss atop her head. “Is something wrong, darling?”

Emma let herself relax again, savoring the warmth of Alex’s embrace. “No, nothing’s wrong. I was just thinking, that’s all.”

“About what?”

“Nothing, really. Just wedding details,” she lied. “We don’t have very much time to take care of everything, I imagine.”

Alex drew back slowly and led her to a nearby sofa where they both sat down. “Did you have your heart set on a large wedding?” he asked tenderly, placing two fingers under her chin, tilting it up so that he could see into her eyes.

“No. I know a lot of people here in London, but I don’t know many of them well, so I shan’t mourn their absence at my wedding. I would like a special gown, though,” she added wistfully. “And I do wish that my father could be here to give me away.”

Alex kept his gaze on her eyes, searching for some sign that she really did want a lavish affair. He saw only clear, open honesty. “I am sorry that we cannot wait for your father, but I want us to be married as soon as possible. I would rather not wait around while your aunt and my mother confer on flower arrangements.”

Emma let out a soft giggle. “Did you know that it was precisely because of flower arrangements that we met, your grace?”

“Don’t call me ‘your grace, ’” Alex warned.

“I’m sorry. It just slipped out. I’ve been too well trained in the ways of the ton, I’m afraid.”

“But do tell me why I owe my supreme good fortune to flower arrangements.”

“That was why I was walking to the store dressed as a maid when I saved Charlie from the hack. Aunt Caroline wanted me to help her with flower arrangements for the ball, and so Belle and I fled to the kitchens to escape her. We dressed in our maids’ clothing because we didn’t want to get any of our dresses dirty.” And then she added, “I really hate arranging flowers.”

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