Home > United Eden (Eden Trilogy #3)(28)

United Eden (Eden Trilogy #3)(28)
Author: Nicole Williams

That was, if it hadnt just come to an end because of my lack of having a ring to offer my almost husband. Of al the things to overlook in my life, this was the worst.

I believe I can offer up a solution, Charles said, the kindness returning to his voice as he turned to me. If youd both be agreeable to it, Id like to offer you my ring, Bryn”the ring that hasnt left my finger once since Catherine placed it on there nearly three hundred years ago”that you can, in turn, offer to Wil iam.

Father, Wil iam said, shaking his head.

We couldnt, Charles, I added. Thank you so much for the offer, but its too much. Its al you have left of her, I whispered, his gesture choking me up al over again.

He raised his hands between Wil iam and me, silencing our rebuttals. Its not the last thing I have of her, not even close to it. I have memories that havent lost their vividness with the passing of time, he said, clearing his throat. And I have four of the children we made together . . . and I have her here, he said, resting his hand over his heart. Il always carry her with me here. His hands clasped together as he began the work of twisting and pul ing the simple gold band from his finger. Please, Catherine would want it so. It wil be like shes here with us, giving her blessing to this Union.

Freeing the band at last, he lifted it at me. Take it. It would be an honor if it could spend the rest of eternity on my sons hand, placed there by the woman he loves. The woman hes loved for as long as I can remember.

I paused, biting my lip. It was too great a gift for me to accept.

Please do me this great honor, Charles said, pressing the ring into my hand and curling my fingers around it. May it bless your lives now.

I didnt have words. This new Charles was such a different man from the one Id known, or the one I thought Id known. There was something in his gracious kindness that reminded me so much of my father.

Stil at a verbal loss, I threw my arms around him. He returned the embrace, patting his hands over my back. Thank you, I said, my voice constricted.

You are most welcome, he replied as I released his neck from the choke-hold of a hug. Would you like to continue?

Yes, I sniffed, taking Wil iams left hand with mine and settling the worn band at his fingertip. I am yours forever, no matter if time, circumstance or death separates us. With this ring, my soul is now yours, I vowed, needing no prompts from Charles as I slid the ring into its place for nothing shorter than forever.

Your vows made, your words binding. Souls fused and futures woven. May the remainder of your eternities be blessed beyond measure.

Charles smiled, breathing something that looked like a sigh of relief. Perhaps hed been as cautiously optimistic of this day as we had. Look now into the eyes of your United, he instructed needlessly. Wed looked nowhere else but at each other. Stacking our hands, one over the other, Charles rested his on top and beneath, sandwiching Wil iams and mine between. You are each others future of your forevers and the forever of your futures.

Nodding between us, he tilted his head back and shouted, Chairo!

I nearly jolted from the sudden detour from solemn monotony, but certainly jolted when the remainder of Wil iams family shouted the same.

Seeing the look on my face, Wil iam leaned in. Its Hebrew for rejoice. Its a tradition to cal out at the end of a Union.

Thats a tradition I agree with, I said, wanting to say more, but knowing talking was going to be impossible with what Wil iam had on his mind.

He didnt exactly lean in to kiss me, it was more of a sudden impact that would have had me stumbling backwards if he didnt have me locked in his arms. It was a good thing wed decided not to get United in the chapel close by because this was not a church kiss and it wasnt exactly a family-friendly one either, but it was ours. Our first kiss as husband and wife and we were making sure neither of us would forget it.

Wil iams hands twisted together behind my back before he dipped me low to the ground, his mouth not breaking its rhythm. Ive been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you, he said, bringing me back vertical.

The first time you saw me in your mind or your eyes? I asked, breathless and glowing from the kiss.

He lifted my hand in his, flattening it over his chest. The first time I saw you with this, he answered, kissing me again, this one endlessly sweet and just about as long.

These two and their vendetta against tradition, Cora said, shaking her head.

What have I done wrong now? I asked as Wil iams mouth let mine go, although his arms didnt. I doubted if they ever would let me out of their ring of protection again.

Youre not supposed to kiss at the conclusion of a Union, she reminded me, rol ing her eyes. Youre not even supposed to touch. Her eyes wandered down where Wil iams and mine touched at every inch of length. This is a formal occasion. That”she stared us over again”you save for the bedroom.

Sorry, Wil iam offered, shrugging. I couldnt resist and it seemed like a real y bad time to start being one for tradition.

Who cares about tradition? Joseph shouted, driving a compacted fist to the sky. Youre United! He was the first to rush us, but the rest of the family fol owed his lead, wrapping their arms around us.

We al stayed that way for awhile, the girls”me included”dabbing at their eyes as the boys would hoot and hol er in the space between the silence, but Charles and Wil iam remained silent and stoic as the last sliver of sun fel into the ocean, just being in the moment.

Having the man Id fought a hundred different ways for holding me to him and his family holding us to them, Id never felt so accepted and hopeful for my future. The promise of an eternity might give one a sense of non-urgency for chasing down their goals, but it had the opposite effect on me. I wanted to go and save the world tomorrow, to make a difference every day of my forever with this man beside me. He inspired me to want to do great things and equipped me with the belief that I could.

The bodies around us started to untangle until it was just the two of us left . . . who wouldnt be untangling for awhile.

A reception of sorts is supposed to fol ow a ceremony, Cora began, being hoisted into Josephs arms, but since I barely had enough notice to make sure we were dressed for the occasion, I didnt have time to put together a dinner.

Food, even for an aficionado like myself, was one of the last things on my To Do list. I think wel survive, I responded, feeling a herd of anxious butterflies battering my stomach when I reminded myself we were United, save for one last way.

Holy panic attack.

I know, but its tradition, she said, using her whiney tone despite beaming.

Cora, in case the fact has escaped you, Wil iam said, shifting nervously”picking up on my feelings most likely. Bryn and I arent exactly one for tradition. No post ceremony dinner, no worries. Wel improvise.

I bet youl improvise, Patrick said, his eyebrows dancing.

I can improvise too, you know, Cora responded, barreling through Patricks attempts to sidetrack her.

What is that supposed to mean? I asked, reviewing her triumphant expression.

She made a face at me. Youl see. Now off with you both, she said, her eyes tracing back to the house. We can tel when its party of two time.

Cora, Ive always been a fan of your keen talent of observation and interpretation, Wil iam said, picking me up in his arms.

We love you, Mr. and Mrs. Hayward, Joseph said, patting Wil iam on the back as we passed by him.

Bryns a Mrs., Patrick said, looking me over. Thats total y hot.

Watch it, Wil iam warned, throwing him a good-natured look.

Like youre not thinking it. Im just the one without an internal censor that traps those kinds of things before they vomit from my mouth.

Youre right, I am thinking it, Wil iam said, gazing down at me with a spark that was growing with every step he took towards the house. But as her husband, its my right to think it. It was more of a revelation to himself than a warning at Patrick, but it succeeded in silencing the fair-haired brother who could vol ey over a game of banter for weeks on end.

Have a pleasant evening, Nathanial lilted behind us, fol owed by a symphony of snickers.

Contrary to what Id assumed, every step closer to what was waiting for us inside the little beach house didnt increase the butterfly tingling sensation, but relieved it. I was stil anxious, nervous beyond a doubt, but my anticipation was so great it was like a typhoon that wiped out al other waves of emotions. There was simplicity when I assumed thered be complexity. I wanted him, he wanted me”that hadnt changed since wed met”but now we could have each other.



We were a few levels north of surreal already and, as Wil iam leapt up onto the porch, I decided to switch off my mind for the night and let instinct take over. It had never steered me wrong yet”it was my confuddled mind that had made a mess of things, so tonight, my cranium area was official y off duty.

Wil iam slid the door open, angling the two of us through it. Whoa, he said, scanning the room.

My eyes fol owed. Whoa, I repeated as he settled my feet to the floor. The room was glowing in candlelight, white votives and pil ars and hurricanes settled over anything that didnt move. I wasnt sure when or how the girls had arranged this, but if I wasnt already convinced, they were miracle workers.

Wil iam reached for a note teepeed over the kitchen table, folding it open. ˜Its not the presidential suite in a five star hotel, but we made due with the time parameters we were working with. Enjoy and congrats, he read, dropping the note back on the table. His eyes swept around the room moving in the candlelight before they finished on me. I can make due if you can make due, Mrs. Hayward.

I can definitely make due, I answered, tingles creeping up my backbone as he slid out of his jacket, hanging it over a chair.

Loosening his tie with one hand, he grabbed one of mine with his other, leading me back to a room I was exceptional y fond of. A room wed almost carried out what we were final y allowed to do tonight. Serendipitous was the word that came to mind.

In a hurry? I swal owed the heat rising in my throat, watching him unbutton his col ar button.

He spun to me, pul ing me with him as he walked backwards. Ive been a hurry to get to this moment my whole existence. Im presently in a hurry to get out of these clothes and, damn, that dress is beautiful, but Im certain whats beneath it is far more so,”his eyes didnt shift from mine, there was no apology and no restraint in them”and then I promise, I wil be in a hurry for nothing else tonight.

I smiled at him, but unlike his unabashed expression, Im sure mine was shy. Thats a promise Il hold you to.

Good, he said, kissing me as he twisted the bedroom door open. Please do.

He guided me into the room and, like theyd expected wed choose the smal est, simplest bedroom in the house, Cora and Abigail had candles scattered around the room, keeping any sources of flaming object safely away from the bed tucked into the corner.

Dryness of throat just elevated from arid to parched.

I could imagine Cora flitting about as she lit the candles, trying to make the room as exceptional as it could be. Im sure to her standards it fel just north of a cardboard box, but for us, it was as close to heaven on earth as you could get. We didnt want extravagant. We didnt want a five star resort or a penthouse suite or champagne and roses. We wanted each other. And, at last, we were going to get just that.

Are you nervous? he whispered, taking my face in his hands.

I am everything but nervous right now, I replied, tugging his shirt free of his pants. Gliding my fingers up the crease of his back, I made a conscientious point to savor every second, every touch of tonight.

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