Home > Wasted Words(57)

Wasted Words(57)
Author: Staci Hart

I closed the book with a sigh and got up, pulling on my boots, thinking instead about the fact I was minutes away from picking up Cam, which was the second I’d been waiting for all day.


I made my way around the bar for the last time that evening as Beau counted his drawer behind me. The entire staff had shown up at Wasted Words for a drink before we walked to the bowling alley, and I looked around happily at everyone milling around. Rose sat at one end of the bar having a drink with Patrick, her boyfriend, her knees between his thighs as they smiled at each other. Greg and Harrison stood off by a cluster of couches, laughing, and when I turned, Bayleigh was making her way toward me with her arms full of liquor bottles.

“Here, let me help you,” I said, taking some of her haul.

“Thanks,” she said gratefully.

I nodded toward Greg. “He came.”

She smiled, her cheeks flushing, blond hair shining. “I know. He told me the other day he was planning on it.”

“Oh?” One brow rose as I imagined them walking home together, holding hands. “Have you guys been hanging out?”

She set a bottle of tequila on the shelf. “Just at work. We’ve been scheduled together a lot.” She gave me a sidelong look.

“Weird,” I joked.

She chuckled, arranging the bottles. “He’s just …” she sighed.

“Yeah. I’m pretty sure that’s an onomoto-adjective.” I sighed in echo. “I have that feeling about Tyler whenever he’s within thirty feet.”

She smiled. “I can’t wait to see you two together. Like together-together. Is it weird, being with him?”

“Kind of,” I said with a shrug. “Mostly I’m just scared to death.”

He brow quirked. “Scared? Why?”

“Because, I mean, have you seen him? I’m way out of my league right now.”

She nodded and set down a bottle of rum, adjusting it so the label was out. “Yeah. I feel the same about Greg.”

I made a face. “Don’t be crazy. You guys are great together.”

She sighed again, though this time the sound was heavy. “I don’t know, Cam. I mean, I’m still not even sure he’s all that into me.”

“I’ve seen him around you a lot lately. I mean, he walked you home the other night—”

She perked up. “And last night too.”

I nodded my agreement. “And last night too. Plus, when have you known me to be wrong?”

She still looked skeptical.

I turned her around to face the bar, and we leaned against the counter. “Look, case in point. See that couple over there?” I nodded toward Batman and The Reader, who sat next to each other, smiling.

“The skinny guy and the girl with the glasses?”

“Yup. They came in here last week, and you know how I got them together?”


I smiled proudly. “A book. That was all it took. Sometimes people just need common ground and a little nudge. I’m the little nudge.”

“Well, you are pretty short,” she teased.

“Ha, ha. But really, though. Look at them.” We looked over — she was reading Inuyasha and his nose was in Outlander. They paused occasionally to share a line, smiling.

“They’re so cute. Good job, Cam.”

I shrugged. “It’s what I do. And when have I been wrong?”

“Never, as far as I can tell.”

I smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “So, trust me. I’ve got your back.”

She smiled back, seeming to be appeased. “All right.”

“So did you ask him about teaching you to skate yet?”

Bayleigh shook her head. “Maybe tonight, if we’re on the same team.”

“Well, we’ll just need to make sure you’re definitely on the same team then.”

She giggled, and we pushed off the counter. I made my way around to the register where Beau stood, tall and blond and handsome.

“You got all this tonight?” I asked.

He smirked. “Yup, but I’ve got you on speed dial, just in case.”

“Seriously, though, call me if you get slammed and I’ll send reinforcements. You bummed to miss bowling?”

“Not even a little. Last time I bowled, I got kicked out for sending two balls down the lane at once.”

“Why would you do that?” I asked with a laugh.

He chuffed. “The question is why wouldn’t I do that.”

I shook my head and walked out from behind the bar. “Be good, Beau.”

“Not if I can help it, but I’ll leave the bar in one piece.”

“Thanks, buddy.” I looked toward the door like I knew Tyler would be there. He walked in smiling so beautifully, and my heart did a little backflip because that smile was pointed right at me.

I did what I could not to actually bound into his arms, attempting to maintain my chill with absolutely zero luck.

“Hey,” he said as I approached.

“Hey.” I flushed, breathless as I wrapped my arms around his waist, and he leaned down — I popped up on my tip-toes to kiss him. “I’ve been waiting all day for that.”

“Me too,” he said before kissing me once again.

I beamed up at him, slipping my hand into his, and when I turned around, literally everyone I worked with was staring at us like we were a box full of puppies.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Show’s over, creeps.”

They groaned and shook their heads, chuckling.

Rose and Patrick stood, and Rose tipped back her glass to drain it before turning to me. “You guys ready?”

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