Home > Insider (Exodus End #1)(47)

Insider (Exodus End #1)(47)
Author: Olivia Cunning

With her free hand, she shoved his T-shirt higher, exposing his hard chest and the beguiling cut of his pectoral muscles. She flicked her tongue over the tiny bead of one nipple and sucked it into her mouth. He didn’t seem to mind her exploring, but he wasn’t trying to dry hump the nearest leg, as she’d likely be doing if it was her nipple in his mouth.

She released her suction and tilted her head to look up at him. “Does that feel good?”

“Truthfully?” He touched the top of her head gently, staring down at her as if afraid she couldn’t take his criticism.

She nodded.

“It’s okay,” he said, “but if you want to suck on something that will make my knees weak . . .”

His hand pressed down on the top of her head. She immediately understood what he was suggesting, but she now felt confident enough to play coy with him.

“Here?” she said, sucking on a patch of skin over his ribs.

He squirmed and chuckled. “That tickles.”

She looked up, trying to see his face, but mostly saw the crumpled fabric of his T-shirt. Reading her mind, he yanked his shirt off over his head and tossed it aside. He stared down at her, watching her closely.

She held his gaze as she licked and nibbled, kissed and suckled his ticklish flesh. She knew it was ticklish because every few seconds his body would jerk and he’d laugh.

“I’d give you an A for your sexsational technique,” he said.

Sexsational? Now he was making up words?

“But if you want extra credit, you need to move it a bit lower.” He pressed on her head again.

She shifted lower, doing things to his navel that she wished he was doing to her drenched pussy.

Impatiently, he yanked his pants open and his cock sprang free, eager for attention. Her eyes widened in surprise when he shifted and used one hand to direct his cockhead into the cleft between her breasts.

“That should help him pass the time while you continue to drive me insane,” Logan said.

Toni laughed and squeezed her breasts together with her upper arms. He released a huff of air and rocked his hips slightly. She pushed his pants to his knees so she could explore his ass with both hands while she teased his navel with her mouth. She couldn’t see his face anymore. Instead of looking down at her, he had his head tilted back. The motion of his hips intensified, and she couldn’t begin to fathom what fantasy world he was currently emerged within. She only knew that she wanted to join him there.

She finished unbuttoning her shirt and removed her bra. She looked up to find him staring down at her. He gave her no instruction on how to proceed, so she cupped her breasts and squeezed them together and around as much of his length as would fit between her boobs, with the head pressed firmly against her breastbone.

“Like this?” she asked, trying to figure out how either of them would derive pleasure from squashing his cock between her boobs.

He chuckled. “Not usually, lamb, but I’m always up for new experiences.”

Frustrated, she leaned away and rose to her feet. “How am I supposed to get anything right if you don’t give clear instructions?”

“Sometimes it’s best to just experiment and figure out what feels right.”

“You don’t need to experiment,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. “You already know how to do all this stuff.”

“You’re wrong.”

She raked a hand through her hair until her fingers got stuck in a tangle. “What’s new?”

He caught her shoulders in his hands and stared down into her eyes. Whenever he did that, her heart danced in her chest and her breath caught. Her tummy fluttered. The soles of her feet tingled. It was the most bizarre set of sensations she’d ever experienced.

“I do need to experiment to discover what you like,” he said. “But we’re always so rushed.”

She knew that this time was no different. Soon he would have to go to back to the arena to perform. Very soon.

“I’m sorry you didn’t pick a better teacher,” he said.

She stared at him in wide-eyed shock.

“I take that back. I’m not sorry at all that you picked me. I’m sorry that I’m so infatuated with you that I’m incapable of doing a good job instructing you.”

Toni had never experienced being dumbstruck until that moment. She hadn’t actually understood what the feeling encompassed. Her brain seemed to completely shut down on her, and she literally couldn’t figure out how to form words or make her mouth move to speak them. Hell, even primitive brain functions like breathing had become a challenge. Logan was infatuated with her? Infatuated? With her?

“Fuck. That’s not what I’m trying to say either,” he said, his gaze sweeping to the ceiling before boring into hers again. “Maybe after I blow this load you’ve worked up inside me, I’ll be able to say what I’m trying to say, but with you looking up at me all beautiful and bewildered and topless, I can’t think of a goddamned thing but pounding you raw, sweetheart.”

“Yes.” She was surprised she could even muster that little word.

What little breath she’d managed to hold onto left her lungs in a whoosh when he tackled her to the sofa. His hands yanked at her skirt, her panties, somehow managing to remove both before he spread her legs wide, grabbed his cock in one hand, and pressed it into her slick opening.

“God, yes.” He groaned as he sank into her heated flesh.

Toni gasped brokenly as she discovered firsthand what it meant to be pounded. Each time his cock drove into her body, the impact sent waves of excitement vibrating through her clit. Every few strokes he bumped against something inside her that hurt, yet she craved that short burst of sensation. Wanted every stroke to bang her there so she could feel how deep he was buried within.

Some annoying, logical part of her brain engaged suddenly, and she knew she had to stop him.

“Logan!” she said, shoving against his chest with all her strength. “Stop!”

“I’m sorry,” he said, backing out slightly. “I didn’t mean to bump your cervix that hard.”

He altered his motions from pounding to grinding, which did things to her clit that made her bones turn to butter and her thighs tremble.

Is that what he’d been banging into? Her cervix? She was momentarily placated as she puzzled over her anatomy and then she remembered why she’d tried to stop him in the first place.

“Logan!” she shouted. “Stop!”

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