Home > Redneck Romeo (Rough Riders #15)(42)

Redneck Romeo (Rough Riders #15)(42)
Author: Lorelei James

“I’m glad this room isn’t the same,” he said after a bit. “It’s like that part of my life never existed.”

“You sure you never snuck girls in here?”

“Never. Fantasized about it.” He laughed softly. “Went through a whole bunch of tissues during those wet-dream type of fantasies.”

She kissed the base of his neck. “Would you’ve told me to get lost if I’d knocked on your window when I was sixteen?”

“Fuck no. I would’ve tempted Casper’s wrath and let you in.”

“So then we would’ve…what? Rolled around on top of the covers?”

Then Dalton spun around and pushed her against the door. “Oh yeah. I would’ve dry humped you at least twice.”

Rory rested her wrists on his shoulders. “Then what?”

“Given my lack of sex ed at age eighteen? I would’ve wowed you with some sloppy kisses, groped your tits and tried to shove my hand down your pants.” He paused. “Oh right. That sounds exactly like what happened between us in the truck. So sugarplum, you’ve already had the underwhelming teenage Dalton McKay experience—why would you ever wanna repeat it?”

“I have to admit I much prefer the recent Dalton McKay experience.”

“That right?” He bent his head to kiss her neck. “Which one in particular?”

“Hard to choose because there are so many. But looking back to last night and how you teased me when you still had your jeans on, there was something very sexy about getting off—or almost getting off—when you’re clothed.”

“That’s what I wanted,” he murmured against her throat. “To get you off with hardly putting my hands on you. But someone—” he bit her earlobe, “—was impatient.”

Her body tingled from that quick love bite. “So do it now,” she said. “Pretend I climbed through your bedroom window and you’re trying to convince me to roll around in the sheets with you.”


“Where’s your sense of adventure, McKay? Someone could bust in on us at any time, just like in your misspent youth when you were constantly spanking the monkey all by your lonesome.”

Dalton snorted. “You are such a damn romantic. Not. Fine. I’ll get you off, but I draw the line at coming in my jeans at my age.” He slipped a hard thigh between her legs and pulled her forward for a better angle as he moved against her. “Been there, done that too many times.”

Him grinding that rigid quad against her clit didn’t suck. Rory slid her body up and down his leg; the friction from the fabric made her pu**y hot and wet. So when Dalton planted kisses across her collarbones and his tongue traced the upper swell of her breast, she was surprised at how close she was to blowing.

Two knocks on the door caused her to jump.

“Dalton? We wondered if you got lost,” Tell said.

He froze. Then he lifted his head and quickly said, “We weren’t doin’ nothin’ in here, just ah…talkin’.”

“Guilty acting much, McKay?” she whispered.

“Hush,” he hissed in her ear.

Tell said, “Thought you oughta know Mom’s dishing up dessert.”

“We’ll be right there.” Dalton covered Rory’s mouth with his and kissed her hungrily. Between kisses he murmured, “Want you. So f**king much. Seems like days since I’ve touched you and I know it’s only been hours. When I get you home…get you alone…it’s gonna be fast, too damn fast but I won’t be able to help myself.”

Rory rested her cheek against his neck, holding onto him, wondering if he realized he was the one shaking. In that moment she knew why he’d insisted on going slow last night. To prove to himself—not to her—that he could. “You weren’t kidding when you warned me you’d be fixated on this.”

“On you,” he corrected. His mouth—his hands never stopped moving on her. “Does that worry you?”

“Only that we’ll run out of condoms. But I am on the pill.”

“Aurora, please don’t be flip. This kept me up last night.”

That set off her warning bells. Her plan to enjoy the perks of Dalton McKay’s sexpertise, while keeping some distance and perspective, was failing miserably, given the fact she’d barely left his side in the last twenty-four hours and she’d dined with his family. She needed to set boundaries from the start and this was the perfect opportunity to do it. “Really? I slept like the dead.” She disentangled herself from him and smiled. “You’ll be able to catch up on sleep tonight since I won’t be there to distract you.”

Dalton’s eyes narrowed. “What are you talkin’ about? Aren’t you spending the night with me?”

“No.” She playfully pecked him on the lips. “Oh, don’t pout, McKay. I brought work home that I have to finish before Monday so I swear I won’t be having fun without you.”

“I will see you tomorrow.”

Not a question. Rather than bristle at his assumption, or knuckle under because she really did like spending time with him, she poked him on the chest. “Only if I get my work done. Now let’s go get some dessert so I can go home.”

Chapter Fourteen

Sunday night…

“Oh my f**king god,” she roared and came so hard her entire body bucked, vibrating like she was hooked up to a defibrillator.

Dalton’s fingers tightened on her hips and he held on, never missing a stroke.

Her pu**y throbbed from Dalton’s c**k plunging in and out of her like a battering ram. From her second orgasm in fifteen minutes.

The man was a sexual beast.

A half-shouted grunt echoed and then Dalton said, “Fuck,” as his c**k pumped inside her spasming channel.

She didn’t rock back into him, but remained still, squeezing her inner muscles around that gloriously thick shaft.

“God I love f**king you,” he growled against the back of her neck.

“Dalton. We’ve got to… Omigod, stop doing that thing with your hips right now.”

“This?” He chuckled in her ear. “You don’t really want me to stop.”

“Yes, I do. We ah…need to…” What the hell word was she looking for? She couldn’t think her brain was so scrambled. Oh right. “We need to talk. We can’t keep going at it like this.”

“Wrong.” His hot breath drifted over her shoulder and she suppressed a shiver. “There’s no goin’ back. I will be all up in you—” Dalton’s soft lips left a trail of kisses down her spine, “—all the time.” He eased out of her body and pulled her upright. “At least once a day.”

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