Home > Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night (Immortals After Dark #4)(46)

Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night (Immortals After Dark #4)(46)
Author: Kresley Cole

She opened the compact in her roomy pants pocket. Merely touching the glass seemed to give her focus. Mari had long learned all the spells expected of her but had never been able to utilize them. Could she now, with the help of a focusing tool?

As she slowly rubbed her thumb in circles on the glass, magick rose up in her hand, but now it felt centered, concentrated. The mirror did in fact conduct her powers, steering them, almost like a ground wire for electricity.

While she was enjoying this heady control, she decided to test a few minor spells on the werewolf - because it would be good practice, and by good practice she meant amusing for her.

She caused a root to hike up directly in front of his feet. When he tripped, she folded her lips in, biting back a laugh.

Magick... good.

For the next hour, whenever his boots came untied just in time for the laces to collect bullet ants, or limbs whacked him across the face, or he scarcely dodged bird and monkey droppings, he always regarded her with narrow-eyed suspicion. She would casually glance over at him with a "Whaa... ?" expression.

But he hadn't said anything, and as for her, well, she could do this all day -

Out of the corner of her eye she spied movement. What looked like a vine suddenly uncoiled from the ground and came flying toward her. With a shriek, she attempted a pulse of energy to ward it off. But MacRieve had already snatched the snake; her magick caught him and sent him flying, his body crashing through the brush, felling the trees in his way.

After landing one hundred feet away and angrily tossing the snake, he shot to his feet, charging back to her, eyes ice blue with fury. "Goddamn it, witch, no' again!"


It was an accident!" the witch cried, and she might have been truthful, but Bowe was beyond caring.

"All morning you've toyed with me, have you no'?" He stalked closer to her, letting her see a good glimpse of the beast within.

Yet after swallowing loudly and retreating several steps, she seemed to force herself to stand her ground.

He was dumbfounded that she wasn't cowering. Battle hardened vampires recoiled in the face of a Lykae's werewolf form, but she'd planted her boots, and she hadn't budged.

She even raised her chin.

Cade had started hurrying down the embankment as if to protect her. The very idea made Bowe draw his lips back from his fangs. No doubt thinking his renewed fury was for her, she pulled magick into her hands.

Raising both of her glowing palms, she beckoned him with wiggling fingers. "Come on, then. I'll go another round. Though by now even an amoeba would've learned not to with me."

Everyone grew still, silent. Then Cade started back down for her, redoubling his speed.

"No, Cade, I've got this," she said evenly, never looking away from Bowe.

Meanwhile, Bowe had subtly pulled his head back, feeling as if he'd just been presented with a species of creature he had never seen. Then he caught Rydstrom's look of amusement - the demon was obviously loving this - and he found himself... grinning. "Kitten's quick to bear those claws, is she no'?"

Rydstrom ruefully shook his head at Bowe, as if sorry for his unavoidable and imminent demise, then got everyone, including a reluctant Cade, moving again.

As Bowe passed Mariketa, he leaned in close. Not bothering to hide his surprise, he murmured to her, "And damn if she does no' have them sunk into me."

Her gray-eyed gaze was wary. He noted that she kept her palms fired up for some time after they continued on.

Even after her blatant show of magick, he felt so proud she'd held her ground that he wanted to stand tall and point her out as his female. That's my lass. Mine. But his heart was also thundering because he realized that in the heat of the full moon, when he was completely turned, she might not run from him. He still intended to get her away from him before this full moon, but for the future...

Excitement burned within him, and he found himself closing in on her and saying, "You're bonny when you're about to strike."

"You would know."

"Come, then, sheathe your claws, kitten. And we'll be friends once more."

"We weren't friends to begin with!"

"You're warming to me. I can tell."

"True. I only throw guys I dig. And don't you dare call me kitten again!"

"You look like one with your wee, pointed ears."

"Are you done?"

"Canna say." He was silent for a few moments, then added, "Think you're the bravest lass I've ever seen. Though I doona care for your using magick against me so readily. Do you enjoy it?"

She seemed to mull this for a moment, then raised her brows. "I do. Besides, I think you need someone to threaten you now and again. To remind the great and powerful Lykae that you're not so unbeatable."

"Aye, I do." He clasped her hand in his. "Sign on."

She pulled out of his grasp. "I don't do temp jobs. And that's all you're offering."

Actually, he'd been reevaluating that stance all morning...

On the trail, she'd never once complained or asked them to slow down, though he could see she was working hard to keep up with inexhaustible immortals. She obviously appreciated that these people were helping her when they didn't have to.

Besides having a bold heart, she made friends handily, with strong bonds. And she seemed to look at everything with wonder and curiosity. He'd noticed that she'd longed to stop several times to investigate some intriguing sight or another. Had it been only the two of them together, with no time limit, he'd have patiently followed as she explored. He knew that some of her wonder was due to her young age, but he believed she'd never grow out of it completely.

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