Home > Champion (Legend #3)(75)

Champion (Legend #3)(75)
Author: Marie Lu

“My apologies.” He actually sounds genuinely sorry. “I hope you understand what I’m saying, Day.”

I remain silent for a moment. Even now, I can still feel the pull against the Republic, all of the dark thoughts and memories that whisper to me to turn my back, to let it all crumble to pieces. The Chancellor can gauge me better than I would’ve thought. A lifetime of suffering is hard to leave behind. As if she can sense the dangerous pull of the Chancellor’s spell, I hear June’s voice cut through this train of thoughts and whisper something to me. I close my eyes and cling to her, drawing strength from her.

“Tell me when you want me to make this announcement,” I say after a while. “Everything’s wired up and ready to go. Let’s get this whole thing over with.”

“Wonderful.” The Chancellor clears his throat, suddenly sounding like a businessman again. “The sooner, the better. I will land with my troops at the outer naval bases of Los Angeles by early afternoon. Let’s arrange for you to speak at that time. Shall we?”


“And one more thing,” the Chancellor adds as I’m about to hang up. I stiffen, my tongue poised to click my mike off. “Before I forget.”


“I want you to make the announcement from the deck of my airship.”

Startled, I glance at Pascao, and even though he has no idea what the Chancellor just said, he frowns at the way my face has just drained of color. From the Chancellor’s airship? Of course. How could we think he’d be that easy to fool? He’s taking precautions. If something goes wrong during the announcement, then he’ll have me in his grip. If I make an announcement that’s anything other than telling the Republic people to bow down to the Colonies, he could kill me right there on the airship’s deck, surrounded by his men.

When the Chancellor speaks again, I can sense the satisfaction in his voice. He knows exactly what he’s doing. “Your words will be more meaningful if given right from a Colonies airship, don’t you agree?” he says. He claps his hands once again. “We’ll expect you at Naval Base One in a few hours. Looking forward to meeting you in person, Day.”


Instead of heading out with the Patriots and helping Day set up the airship bases, I stay behind at the hospital, letting the lab teams hook me up to machines and run a series of tests on me. My daggers and gun lie on a nearby dresser, so that they won’t get in the way of all the wires, and only one knife stays tucked along my boot. Eden sits in bed beside me, his skin sickly pale. Several hours in, and the nausea has begun to hit.

“The first day’s the worst,” Eden says to me with an encouraging smile. He speaks slowly, likely from the medication the lab team gave him to help him sleep. “It gets better.” He leans over and pats my hand, and I find myself warming to his innocent compassion. This must be what Day was like when he was young.

“Thanks,” I reply. I don’t speak the rest of my thoughts aloud, but I cannot believe that a child like Eden was able to tolerate this sort of testing for days. Had I known, I might have done what Day originally wanted and refused Anden’s request altogether.

“What happens if they find out that you match?” Eden asks after a while. His eyes have started to droop, and his question comes out slurred.

What happens, indeed? We have a cure. We can present the results to Antarctica and prove to them that the Colonies deliberately used this virus; we can present it to the United Nations and force the Colonies back. We’ll have our ports opened up again. “The Antarcticans promise that help is on the way,” I decide to say. “We might win. Just maybe.”

“But the Colonies are already at our doorstep.” Eden glances toward the windows, where our enemy’s airships are now dotting the sky. Some have already docked at our bases, while others loom overhead. A shadow cast across our own Bank Tower building tells me that one is hovering over us right now. “What if Daniel fails?” he whispers, fighting back sleep.

“We just have to play it all carefully.” But Eden’s words make my gaze linger on the cityscape too. What if Day does fail? He told me as he left that he would contact us before his broadcast to the public. Now, seeing how close the Colonies’ airships are, I feel an overwhelming sense of frustration that I can’t be out there with them. What if the Colonies realize that the airship bases are all rigged? What if they don’t come back?

Another hour passes. While Eden falls into a deep slumber, I stay awake and try to will away the nausea rolling over me in waves. I keep my eyes closed. It seems to help.

I must have fallen asleep, because suddenly I’m awakened by the sound of our door opening. The lab techs have finally returned. “Ms. Iparis,” one of them says, adjusting his MIKHAEL name tag. “It wasn’t a perfect match, but it was close—close enough that we were able to develop a solution. We’re testing the cure on Tess now.” He’s unable to keep a grin from crossing his face. “You were the missing piece. Right under our noses.”

I stare at him without saying a word. We can send results to Antarctica—the thought rushes through my mind. We can ask for help. We can stop the plague’s spread. We have a chance against the Colonies.

Mikhael’s companions start unhooking me from my tangle of wires, and then help me to my feet. I feel strong enough, but the room still sways. I’m not sure whether my unsteadiness is from the tests’ side effects or the thought that this might all have worked. “I want to see Tess,” I say as we start heading for the door. “How quickly will the cure start working?”

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