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After (After #1)(86)
Author: Anna Todd

I know this wasn’t on my schedule for this morning, but I can’t think of a better way to start my day. His long finger traces up my thighs and he holds me down with one hand. His head dips down and he licks up and down my core once before puckering his lips and sucking. It’s that spot again, oh Lord. My hips buck off the bed and he pushes me back down and continues to hold me down. Using his other hand, he inserts a finger into me, pumping faster than ever before. I can’t decide if his hands or his sucking feels better, but the combination is mind-blowing. Within seconds I feel that burn in the pit of my stomach and he pumps his finger faster.

“I’m going to try two, okay?” he says and I moan in approval. The feeling is strange and a little uncomfortable, like the first time he slipped his one finger inside me, but when he places his lips back on me and sucks again, I forget about the subtle pain. I whimper as Hardin removes his mouth once more.

“Shit, you’re so tight, baby.” His words alone are going to send me over the edge. “You okay?” he asks.

I grab him by his curls and push his face down. He chuckles and then attaches his lips again. I moan his name and pull his hair as I experience my strongest orgasm ever. Not that I have had many, but this one was definitely the quickest and strongest. Hardin places a small kiss on my hipbone before standing and walking to the closet. I lift my head and try to catch my breath. He walks back over and wipes me off with a T-shirt, which might be more embarrassing if I were fully coherent.

“I’ll be right back. I’m going to brush my teeth.” He smiles and exits the room. I stand up and get myself dressed and check the time. We have three minutes until we have to leave. When Hardin returns, he quickly gets dressed and we’re gone.

“Do you know how to get there?” I ask as he pulls out of the driveway.

“Yeah, my father’s best mate from university is Christian Vance,” he tells me. “I’ve been there a couple of times.”

“Oh . . . wow.” I knew Ken had a connection there, but I didn’t know the CEO was his best friend.

“Don’t worry, he’s a nice guy. A bit of a square but nice; you’ll fit right in.” His smile is contagious. “You look lovely, by the way.”

“Thank you. You seem to be in a good mood this morning,” I say teasingly.

“Yeah, having my head between your thighs this early in the morning seems like an omen for a good day.” He laughs and takes my hand in his.

“Hardin!” I scold him, but he only laughs once more.

The drive goes quickly, and in no time we’re pulling around back of a six-story building with mirrored glass sides and a large V placed on the front.

“I’m nervous,” I admit as I check my makeup in the mirror.

“Don’t be; you will do fine. You are so smart, and he’ll see that,” Hardin assures me.

God, I love when he is nice like this.

“Thank you,” I say and lean across to kiss him. It is a sweet and simple kiss.

“I’ll be in the car waiting for you,” he says and kisses me again.

The inside of the building is just as elegant as the outside. When I reach the front desk, I am given a day pass and instructed to go to the sixth floor. I reach the desk on the sixth floor and give the young man my name.

He flashes his perfect white smile at me before walking me to a large office and saying, “Mr. Vance, Theresa Young is here,” to a middle-aged man with light patches of facial hair I can see through the doorway.

Mr. Vance waves me in and walks toward me to shake my hand. His green eyes can be seen from across the room and his smile is comforting and relaxes me as he tells me to have a seat.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Theresa. Thank you for coming,” he says.

“Tessa, call me Tessa. Thank you for having me,” I say with a smile.

“So, Tessa, you are a freshman English major?” he asks.

“Yes, sir,” I say, nodding.

“Ken Scott gave you a great recommendation, says I would be missing out if I didn’t give you an internship.”

“Ken is a very kind man,” I say and he nods, rubbing his beard with his fingers.

He asks me to tell him what I’ve been reading of late and who are my favorite and least favorite authors, and to explain why I feel that way. He nods and hmms through my explanation, and when I finish, he smiles.

“Well, Tessa, when can you begin? Ken says with your courses it’s easy enough to condense your schedule so you can be here two days a week and take classes on campus the other three,” he says and my mouth falls open.

“Really?” is all I can say. This is beyond my expectations. I had assumed I would have to take night classes and come here during the day, if I got the offer.

“Yes, and you will also receive credit hours toward your degree for your time spent here.”

“Thank you so much. This is such an amazing opportunity, thank you, thank you again.” I can’t believe how lucky I am.

“We will discuss your pay Monday when you start.”

“Pay?” I had assumed it would be an unpaid internship.

“Yes, of course you will be paid for your time.” He smiles.

I just nod, afraid that if I open my mouth I will thank him for the thousandth time.

I PRACTICALLY RUN to the car and Hardin climbs out as I near it.

“Well?” he asks and I squeal.

“I got it! It’s paid and I will be here two days a week and in school three days—and I get college credit—and he was so nice—and your dad is wonderful for doing this for me—and you are, too, of course. I am just so excited and I . . . well . . . I guess that’s it.” I laugh and he wraps his arms around me, squeezing me tight and lifting me into the air.

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