Home > Archangel's Enigma (Guild Hunter #8)(47)

Archangel's Enigma (Guild Hunter #8)(47)
Author: Nalini Singh

Feeling more comfortable as his pants started to steam from the heat, drying out fully at last, and his bare chest heated from the fire, Naasir stretched out his legs. “I’m glad you’re not a vegetarian.” He knew scholars who only ate leafy things, found them to be fascinating creatures. Who could live on only leafy things?

A soft laugh from the woman beside him, the one who smelled more delicious than the meat and who had beautifully uncontrollable hair he wanted to rub his face against. “Do you need blood?”

He thought about it. He’d eat some of the meat even if it was cooked, and he’d fed well during the journey to Lijuan’s stronghold. “No. Not yet.” Looking at her, he allowed himself to turn his eyes to her pulse.

It jumped.

Forcing himself to look away when his cock started to swell and harden, he stared into the flames. “Not from you,” he said, the words coming out rough; he wanted to pin her down and sink his fangs into her at the same time as his cock. “You need your strength. I’ll find someone else.”

She didn’t say anything, but there was a new stiffness to her as they finished watching the meat cook. When it was done, they ate in silence. He gave her the best pieces but she still didn’t talk to him as she had before. Unable to figure out what he’d done wrong, he decided to talk about something else.

“Did you take your vow because your parents can’t control their need to rut?”

Her head jerked up. Going so pale that her freckles stood out stark against her skin, she finished the food on her plate and got up to wash it clean. Then she went to the bed she’d made up using sheets from the cupboard, and lay down.

Not wanting to hurt her by asking more questions, he finished his own food in silence before going to stand watch at the window so she could sleep in safety.

“It’s part of it.” A soft confession from the bed almost ten minutes later. “But it’s not all of it.”

He waited; he could be patient when it was needed. Sometimes, he didn’t move for hours when hunting cunning prey.

Sitting up with her arms wrapped around raised knees, Andromeda met his eyes. “It’s me,” she said, her tone husky and one hand tight around the wrist of the other. “I have the same carnal drives as my mother.”

“You want to rut with many people?” He tried not to growl those words, though they made him want to growl—he was going to keep his mate for himself. He’d satisfy her as many times as she wanted, but no one else would be touching her.

Andromeda swallowed. “I’m afraid that’s exactly what I’ll become if I give in to the need inside me.”

Naasir struggled to understand. “Have you never lain with anyone?”

“No,” Andromeda admitted, conscious he wouldn’t understand her choice. He was a vibrant, rawly sexual creature. Being with him had made her own consciously dormant sexual instincts fight to awaken; she wanted to rub up against him, wanted to taste him and be tasted by him.

Frown turning into a scowl, Naasir came over to crouch down in front of her. She’d shifted position to sit with her legs over the edge of the bed, suddenly realized he’d be able to see straight between her thighs if she wasn’t careful. Her panties were still near the fireplace, the thin fabric probably dry by now.

“Does it not hurt to be alone?” he asked her, his hair sliding to the side as he cocked his head in that way he had of doing. “I like being petted. Don’t you need petting?”

His honesty demanded her own. “I’ve made myself not need it.” It had been brutal when her natural inclination was to wallow in sensation. “It’s why I first picked up the sword. To put my sexual energy into controlled violence.” Rather than the sadistic kind practiced by her parents.

“Fighting is like rutting.” Naasir’s eyes gleamed. “Not the same, but it gets the blood pumping and it makes me ready.”

When her eyes dropped instinctively, she had to force them back up. She had no business checking whether or not he was aroused. “Sexual pleasure is like a drug,” she said to Naasir. “You become addicted to it until it takes over your life, until pleasure alone isn’t enough and the search for novelty turns brutal. At least that’s how it is with my family.”

“Your parents rule a sector,” Naasir pointed out. “They do other things.”

“It’s a far-off and not very important sector.” Charisemnon might have deviant appetites, but he was still an archangel and no fool. He knew his daughter and her husband weren’t capable of running a large sector, so had stuck them in a small, unimportant corner politically speaking.

“They also have two stewards who can run the territory without instruction, they’ve been doing it for so long.” The twins had been there since long before either Andromeda’s mother or father had even been born. “My parents are powerful enough to be dangerous when called upon to defend the territory, but otherwise . . .”

She gripped one of her hands with the other, squeezing tight to restrain the urge to reach out and play with the silken temptation of Naasir’s hair. “They’ve been dissolute and jaded and sexually violent since they were young.” She’d read stories of her parents’ debauchery, their every move chronicled because of her mother’s bloodline.

“The fact they can’t control their urges makes them weak.” Naasir’s gaze was a lightning strike, as if he’d shatter light right through her, exposing all her secrets. “A woman who has fought her natural sensual instincts for hundreds of years is not weak.”

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