Home > Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(50)

Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)(50)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

No! Roman levitated up to catch the priest in his arms.

Rage erupted in Connor, snapping his vision blue, freezing the blood in his veins. He teleported to the top of the monument and grabbed the claymore hed left behind a week ago. With a war cry, he beheaded Nadia.

Casimir whirled around. His eyes widened with fear.

Stop! Corky shouted.

Connor glanced back, his vision still tinted blue.

Corky had teleported to the top of the mountain with the camera. If you kill him, I will spread the video all over the Internet and tell everyone that vampires are real. She lifted the camera. Im recording now.

Drop your sword, Casimir hissed. You dont want the whole world to know about us. It would be the end of us all.

Connor shook with rage. He turned to Casimir. It is yer end tonight. He stabbed him through the chest and turned Casimir to dust.

No! Corky screamed.

Connor whipped around to kill her, too, but she vanished, taking the camera with her.

Marielle screamed when she saw Father Andrew stabbed and thrown off the cliff.

Bunny! Can you hear me? Please come. Please save him. She repeated her plea over and over as she scrambled down the hill, dodging the trees.

Meanwhile, the battle had started up again. Vamps and shifters attacked the Malcontents, shouting and roaring their fury. Thank God the mortals were managing to flee.

She reached the bottom and weaved her way through the fighting to where Roman knelt on the stage with Father Andrew in his arms.

Father! Marielle fell to her knees beside him. Tears filled her eyes. Im praying for a Healer to come. Please stay with us!

Roman had a bloodstained hand pressed against the Fathers wound, but blood was still seeping out. Let me take you to a hospital.

The priest shook his head. His face was pale and clammy with sweat. My time has come.

Dont say that! Roman shouted. Oh God help me, I should have never dragged you into my world.

Father Andrew gave him a weak smile. I dont regret a moment of it.

Connor materialized beside Marielle, his face haggard.

She reached up to touch him. Are you all right?

He shook his head slightly as he regarded the priest. I have avenged you. I hope it will give you peace.

You killed Casimir? Roman asked.

Father Andrew coughed, then lifted a trembling hand to Connor. My son, you know what I really want from you.

Connors mouth twisted, then he fell to his knees and clasped the priests hand. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been . . . almost five hundred years since my last confession.

Tell me, Father Andrew whispered.

A tear rolled down Connors cheek. I . . . have murdered in a fit of rage. He glanced up to the top of the monument. Twice.

Father Andrew nodded. I will pray for you. He looked at Marielle. Now I wish to finally be touched by an angel.

Father, no. Tears streamed down her cheek.

Blood trickled from the side of his mouth. Im in pain, child. Please let me go.

Marielle glanced at Roman through her tears, and he nodded. A pink tear ran down his face.

Dear soul, your Father loves you greatly. Marielle laid a trembling hand on the priests brow.

He didnt die. His soul didnt open for her. He merely sighed and fell into a painless coma. With a gasp, she lifted her hand. Was she no longer a Deliverer?

Marielle. Zackriel appeared close by. I have come for this soul.

Have I ceased to be an angel? she whispered.

Who are you talking to? Roman asked.

Zackriel knelt beside her. You are very close to being completely human.

Another tear slipped down her face. Youre not taking me with you tonight, are you?

It is not yet your time. Zackriel rested a hand on Father Andrews brow. Dear soul, your Father loves you greatly.

Marielle saw the priests soul open and his spirit lift out. Zackriel stood and moved close to the spiritual form of Father Andrew who was smiling at her, Connor, and Roman.

She stood and bowed to the priest. God be with you, dear soul.

Zackriel wrapped an arm around the priest. It is time for us to go.

Will I ever be able to go back? Marielle asked.

Zackriel smiled at her sadly. It is still possible. But only if you really want to. His wings fluttered out, and he vanished, taking Father Andrews soul with him.

What just happened? Connor asked.

Marielle gazed up at the stars while tears rolled down her face. Father Andrew is going to heaven.

Chapter Twenty-five

An hour later, they were all back in the cafeteria at Romatech. Marielle sat quietly in a corner, watching the friends she had made in the seven nights that shed been on Earth. They had succeeded in defeating the Malcontents, but there was no celebrating.

The Vamps sipped from bottles of Blissky and Bleer. The shifters indulged in real whisky and beer.

After Connor had teleported her back, hed hugged her fiercely. I thought ye were leaving.

Not tonight.

He slumped into a cafeteria chair. For the last hour, he hadnt moved or spoken a word.

At the end of the battle, the Vamps and shifters had quietly cleared away all signs of the struggle. Piles of dead vampire dust were swept into the woods. Weapons were gathered and returned to Romatech. Bloodstains were washed away. A group of Vamps swept through the area, looking for mortals and wiping their memories of the nights events.

Roman had teleported Father Andrews body back to his church. Now he returned to the cafeteria, his eyes red and swollen.

Shanna ran up to embrace him. Her eyes were red and swollen, too. What did you tell the other priests?

Roman sighed. That he was attacked by a criminal.

Shanna nodded. I suppose thats true.

Phineas slammed his Blissky bottle down. At least we got rid of Casimir once and for all.

Heads turned to look at Connor.

He remained silent, gazing blindly into space.

Do ye think Corky will really do it? Ian asked.

Do what? Radinka asked.

Ian shifted in his chair. Corky had a camera. She threatened to expose our existence on the Internet if Casimir was killed.

Damn, Gregori muttered. Ill get a laptop and see if anything has come up. He dashed from the room.

Connors jaw shifted, and he rubbed his brow.

Marielle was relieved just to see him move. Hed been motionless for nearly an hour.

Well, I think Connor did the right thing, Phineas mumbled.

The room grew silent.

I agree, Brynley said. Connor had a chance, and he took it. Who knows when another chance would have come up?

Another silence stretched out.

Gregori returned with a laptop and began scouring the Internet.

The shifters wandered into the kitchen to look for some food.

Roman drank some Blissky. Father Andrews funeral will most likely happen during the day. We wont even get to see it.

Shanna patted his arm. Well have a memorial for him here.

Roman stood and lifted his glass. To Father Andrew. May we remember him always, and may he rest in peace.

Everyone stood and lifted his glass to Father Andrew. Then silence pervaded the room once more.

Oh shit, Gregori muttered, drawing everyones attention. Corky posted a video on YouTube. He clicked on it, and Corkys strident voice filled the room.

Here it is! Proof positive that vampires are real! See the blue glowing eyes on the vampire with the sword? And see what happens when he kills the other vampire? Dust!

Brynley snorted. No ones going to believe that. No one will even see it.

Gregori winced. Its been up three minutes, and it already has a thousand views. If it goes viral, we could be screwed.

Connor stood abruptly and exited the glass door into the garden.

Marielle followed him. Connor!

He headed toward the woods.

Connor, please. Talk to me.

He slowed to a stop.

He kept his back to her, but she could see the tension in his stiff spine and clenched fists. I know youre upset.

Do ye have any idea what I have done? He spun around to face her. His eyes were filled with pain. I have sentenced all my friends to death.

She flinched. It cant be that bad.

It is. For as long as vampires have existed, our first priority has been to keep our existence a secret. He snorted. God, how many times have I preached that to my friends? I would have never believed that I would be the one . . .

She stepped toward him. Well figure something out.

The world will want to destroy us. Connors mouth twisted with pain. I have failed my friends. I have failed everyone I have ever known.

Her vision blurred with tears. Connor, please. Dont do this to yourself.

He squared his shoulders. But I willna fail you. I will get you back to heaven. He vanished.

No! She ran forward, but he was gone. Connor! Connor! She collapsed on the ground, crying.

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