Home > 'Til Death (Conversion #3)(74)

'Til Death (Conversion #3)(74)
Author: S.C. Stephens

My enhanced eyes could clearly pick out the snow capped mountains creating an idyllic backdrop for the monolith. I could tell that in the daylight, the pure white in the background would contrast artistically with the dark red brick and bright green lawns. It would be a sight to see in the glory of the day. But even in moonlight, it was breathtaking.

Next to the main home, there was matching two-story building. As I stared, dazed by my surroundings, Teren informed me that it was the garage. The home for our vehicles was attached to the massive house by a cute, circular structure with a space cut out of it just large enough to drive through. A section of the circular driveway branched off that way and as Teren drove his Prius through it, to the back of the house, I could see the long line of garage doors, most of them already filled with the other's cars.

From behind the home, I could see more buildings. Teren had informed me before leaving that this ranch had an indoor pool; I assumed then that one of those long, lean buildings held it. Off to the other side of the home there was a tennis court and a basketball court. I smiled, imagining my kids growing up here. In the distance, as far as I could see to either side of the home, were the pastures. I could see dark blobs of where the cows were and smiled. It already felt like home. Of course, that could be said of any place I went with Teren.

Twisting the car to back into the garage, Teren paused a moment and leaned over the steering wheel, taking in the magnificence of this very different ranch. Smiling over at me, he cocked an eyebrow. "Like it?" I nodded, still speechless. He smiled wider, amused at my reaction. "Yeah, I probably should have warned you...the ranch in California is sort of...the small one."

He chuckled at the look on my face as I pulled my gaze from the home most would consider a mansion. Bringing his head down to rest it against mine, Teren sighed contently, the sound mixing with the duel snores coming from our children. "I love you, wife...forever," he muttered, his voice deep with peace.

Closing my eyes, I savored the connection we shared, the family we shared, the love we shared...the life we shared...even if we were dead. "I love you too, husband...forever."

***The End**

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