Home > So Much Trouble When She Walked In(33)

So Much Trouble When She Walked In(33)
Author: Judy Angelo

“Meaning?”  Totally na**d as was Max, Silken went on her hands and knees and moved up the bed until her face was mere inches away from his.

He reached a hand up and pushed a curl out of her face.  “You’ve had your fun with me, with your tying up sessions.”

“Yeah.”  Silken nodded.  “And wasn’t it more fun once you got comfortable with me blindfolding you?”

“Mmm, sometimes.  But,” he said as he traced his fingers around her chin, “what if we do something new?”

Her eyes widened.  “Like you tying me up this time?  That would be great.”

Max grimaced then shook his head.  “That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

“But it’s a good idea, isn’t it?”

He frowned.  “Wouldn’t you being scared?”

“Why should I be?”  Then, at his look of suspicion, she laughed.  “Oh, come on, Max.  You know me by now.  I love this kind of thing.  It’s the games that keep the sex interesting.”

He gave a grunt but said nothing and when he didn’t look like he was going to make a move, Silken hopped off the bed.  “I’ll go get the stuff.  You just start planning all the kinky things you’re going to do to me when I get back.”

That only got her a groan from Max.  “I’ve awakened a monster,” he muttered.

“And it’s all your fault,” she threw over her shoulder, “for putting these crazy ideas in my head.”  They both knew she didn’t need ideas from anyone.  She could do crazy all by herself, but how could she resist teasing poor Max?

By the time Silken got back she had two ties, chocolate syrup, whipped cream and a honey-glazed doughnut.  She deposited her booty on the nightstand by the bed.

Max raised himself up on one elbow and eyed her treasures.  “The ties, syrup and cream, I can figure out, but a doughnut?  What am I supposed to do with that?”

“That’s not for you, silly.  It’s mine.”  Silken grabbed it and took a big bite.  “I’m hungry.”  Her voice, hampered by her mouthful of doughnut, came out muffled.

“Oh.” Max sighed and sank back into the bed, a look of relief on his face.  “As weird as you are sometimes, I was ready to expect anything.”

Silken punched him on the arm.  “Meanie.”  She polished off her doughnut then licked the flakes from her fingers.  “Ready.”  She knelt on the bed and raised her hands, wrists crossed.

Max eyed her with amusement.  “Are you sure?”

“Very.  Come on.  I’m ready to be tied up.”

Max shook his head.  “Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance to back out.”

It wasn’t very long before those words came back to haunt Silken.  Bound to the bed railing by one tie, her eyes blindfolded by the other, she soon began to wonder what on earth she’d gotten herself into.  Max had tied her up exactly as she’d demanded, but then he proceeded to drive her mad with the lightest of touches, starting at the soles of her feet then up her inner leg, touching and teasing until she was writhing with need.

And then that same tantalizing touch floated over the skin of her belly to circle the sensitive mounds of her br**sts and then it flicked and flitted over her aching ni**les, making her gasp and moan.  That touch, so wickedly tantalizing, could not be his fingers or even his lips.  He was using a feather to torture her.  It had to be.  But where in the world had he found one?  She was in big trouble, she knew.  When it came to making love, a feather was the ultimate instrument of torture.

And now, to her chagrin, the master was being schooled by the student.

Again and again the feather licked her ni**les, first the left and then the right, sending soft waves of pleasure rippling through her body.  She arched her back in agony, moaning out loud, desperate for him to put her out of her misery.  “Suck on it,” she pleaded.  “I need your lips.  Please.”

Her hands trapped above her head, she had no power to reach for him.  Her eyes bound by his tie, neither could she see him.  She had no idea if he was regarding her with pity or laughing at her plight.  She did the only thing left in her power to do.  She begged.

To Silken’s sweet relief she felt Max’s lips on her left nipple and she sighed, melting as he sucked the aching bud deep into his mouth.  And then he began to roll it with his tongue, massaging so expertly that within seconds her moisture flowed as her body responded to his touch.  The right nipple enjoyed the same loving attention and soon she was nothing more than a mass of quivering nerves.

Silken moaned, her body attune to his every touch, his every lick, his every nip.  She was arching her back, pushing her nipple deeper into his mouth, when he pulled away.

She groaned.  “Max, don’t stop.”  Her voice was plaintive, so different from the Silken who was usually in charge, but she didn’t care.  She wanted him to soothe the fire he’d started and if she had to plead to get her release, then so be it.

But Max did not come back.  She heard his feet padding across the floor and then he was gone.  Just like that.  Without a word.

What the beeswax?

Silken strained at the tie binding her wrists but she could not get free.  That was the reward she got for teaching Max to tie a figure eight knot.  Never again…

She was grumbling to herself when she heard Max’s soft chuckle and that was when she realized that he was back in the room.  “Where did you go?” she hissed.  “You don’t just leave me like this and go off-”  Her sentence broke off in a yelp.  She’d been slapped right in the belly by something ice-cold and slippery.

“Mmm, delicious.”

Even as she squirmed she felt Max’s lips on her, warming her skin as he licked at the ice cream he’d dropped there.  Then he dropped the ice cream on her ni**les and followed the icy surprise with his personal method of consuming his dessert, his sweet and sensual way, slurping both ice-cream and nipple deep into his mouth.

And then, to Silken’s horror, he moved down, directing his attack on that spot where her center of sensation lay.

And if he chose to stroke her there she would melt right into the bedclothes.

As she sucked in her breath to tell him not to go there, he dropped a dollop of ice cream right on her clit.

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