Home > Prelude to Foundation (Foundation #6)(99)

Prelude to Foundation (Foundation #6)(99)
Author: Isaac Asimov

She was quite right.

Chapter 15 Undercover

DAVAN-... In the unsettled times marking the final centuries of the First Galactic Empire, the typical sources of unrest arose from the fact that political and military leaders jockeyed for "supreme" power (a supremacy that grew more worthless with each decade). Only rarely was there anything that could be called a popular movement prior to the advent of psychohistory. In this connection, one intriguing example involves Davan, of whom little is actually known, but who may have met with Hari Seldon at one time when...

Encyclopedia Galactica


Both Hari Seldon and Dors Venabili had taken rather lingering baths, making use of the somewhat primitive facilities available to them in the Tisalver household. They had changed their clothing and were in Seldon's room when Jirad Tisalver returned in the evening. His signal at the door was (or seemed) rather timid. The buzz did not last long.

Seldon opened the door and said pleasantly, "Good evening, Master Tisalver. And Mistress."

She was standing right behind her husband, forehead puckered into a puzzled frown.

Tisalver said tentatively, as though he was unsure of the situation, "Are you and Mistress Venabili both well?" He nodded his head as though trying to elicit an affirmative by body language.

"Quite well. In and out of Billibotton without trouble and we're all washed and changed. There's no smell left." Seldon lifted his chin as he said it, smiling, tossing the sentence over Tisalver's shoulder to his wife. She sniffed loudly, as though testing the matter.

Still tentatively, Tisalver said, "I understand there was a knife fight."

Seldon raised his eyebrows. "Is that the story?"

"You and the Mistress against a hundred thugs, we were cold, and you killed them all. Is that so?" There was the reluctant sound of deep respect in his voice.

"Absolutely not," Dors put in with sudden annoyance. "That's ridiculous. What do you think we are? Mass murderers? And do you think a hundred thugs would remain in place, waiting the considerable time it would take me-us-to kill them all? I mean, think about it."

"That's what they're saying," said Casilia Tisalver with shrill firmness. "We can't have that sort of thing in this house."

"In the first place," said Seldon, "it wasn't in this house. In the second, it wasn't a hundred men, it was ten. In the third, no one was killed. There was some altercation back and forth, after which they left and made way for us."

"They just made way. Do you expect me to believe that, Outworlders?" demanded Mistress Tisalver belligerently.

Seldon sighed. At the slightest stress, human beings seemed to divide themselves into antagonistic groups. He said, "Well, I grant you one of them was cut a little. Not seriously."

"And you weren't hurt at all?" said Tisalver. The admiration in his voice was more marked.

"Not a scratch," said Seldon. "Mistress Venabili handles two knives excellently well."

"I dare say," said Mistress Tisalver, her eyes dropping to Dors's belt, "and that's not what I want to have going on here." Dors said sternly, "As long as no one attacks us here, that's what you won't have here."

"But on account of you," said Mistress Tisalver, "we have trash from the street standing at the doorway."

"My love," said Tisalver soothingly, "let us not anger-"

"Why?" spat his wife with contempt. "Are you afraid of her knives? I would like to see her use them here."

"I have no intention of using them here," said Dors with a sniff as loud as any that Mistress Tisalver had produced. "What is this trash from the street you're talking about?"

Tisalver said, "What my wife means is that an urchin from Billibotton-at least, judging by his appearance-wishes to see you and we are not accustomed to that sort of thing in this neighborhood. It undermines our standing." He sounded apologetic.

Seldon said, "Well, Master Tisalver, we'll go outside, find out what it's all about, and send him on his business as quickly-"

"No. Wait," said Dors, annoyed. "These are our rooms. We pay for them. We decide who visits us and who does not. If there is a young man outside from Billibotton, he is nonetheless a Dahlite. More important, he's a Trantorian. Still more important, he's a citizen of the Empire and a human being. Most important, by asking to see us, he becomes our guest. Therefore, we invite him in to see us."

Mistress Tisalver didn't move. Tisalver himself seemed uncertain.

Dors said, "Since you say I killed a hundred bullies in Billibotton, you surely do not think I am afraid of a boy or, for that matter, of you two." Her right hand dropped casually to her belt.

Tisalver said with sudden energy, "Mistress Venabili, we do not intend to offend you. Of course these rooms are yours and you can entertain whomever you wish here." He stepped back, pulling his indignant wife with him, undergoing a burst of resolution for which he might conceivably have to pay afterward. Dors looked after them sternly.

Seldon smiled dryly. "How unlike you, Dors. I thought I was the one who quixotically got into trouble and that you were the calm and practical one whose only aim was to prevent trouble."

Dors shook her head. "I can't bear to hear a human being spoken of with contempt just because of his group identification-even by other human beings. It's these respectable people here who create those hooligans out there."

"And other respectable people," said Seldon, "who create these respectable people. These mutual animosities are as much a part of humanity-"

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