Home > Following Me(43)

Following Me(43)
Author: K.A. Linde

Her face felt right but also wrong. It didn’t hurt, but it didn’t feel normal either. Her tongue felt solid, and her lips felt heavy. When she thought about her cheek, it only seemed to throb more, so she stopped. Her throat was dry, like she had swallowed cotton balls, and she started coughing at the thought.

Someone was at her side, taking her hand and slowly lifting her head off the pillow. She began to breathe easier. Devon remembered her eyes then, and they opened to the harsh lights. She blinked a few times, allowing her eyes to adjust, and then she squinted at her surroundings.

She was in a hospital. That much was obvious. White curtain, white bed, white floor. Sanitation heaven.

She saw that it was Brennan holding her hand. That made her smile despite her being in the hospital.

“Hey, Belle,” he said, bringing her hand to his lips. “Good to see you’re finally awake.”

“I said no hospitals,” she said immediately.

“I didn’t hear you when you were unconscious,” he said with a sad smile.

Devon giggled. “Fair point.”

“How are you feeling?” he asked, taking a seat in the chair next to her.

“I’ve been better,” she whispered.

“Are you in much pain? They gave you some painkillers, but I don’t know if they have worn off,” he asked, concerned.

“I’m doing okay.” She squeezed his hand. “What happened?”

“You don’t remember?” he asked with a frown.

“I remember, uh…Reid showed up. You guys got into a fight. I told him that we were over…and that’s about it,” she said, biting the side of her lip that wasn’t swollen.

“That’s about what happened. You passed out. When he pushed you into the wall, I guess it upset your already delicate condition. I scooped you up and drove you straight here. I was, uh…going to call the cops, but I was worried you might kill me when you woke up. I thought I’d leave that decision up to you…if that’s what you want.”

“No hospitals. No cops. No court.”

“I know, but you’ve already broken two of those,” Brennan said.

Devon narrowed her eyes. “No cops. Just because you keep breaking the rules doesn’t mean I want to involve the police.”

“I’ll break every rule to keep you safe. The doctor said it was really good I brought you in,” he said, pushing her hair back with one hand. “You’ve been out of it for a while.”

“So…Reid just left?” she asked carefully. She was tired of being afraid of where he might turn up. She was beginning to see why the restraining order was a good idea.

Brennan shrugged and scratched the back of his head. He chuckled softly and looked away from her. “He was here earlier. They had to reset his nose. Seems he managed to break it in two places.”

Devon giggled with him. “I wonder how that happened.”

“I guess he was unlucky when he ran into my fist,” he said. “Anyway, he tried to come see you. I hope you don’t mind that I showed the restraining order to the nurses. He was escorted out of the building.”

“Oh! The nurses escorted him out?” Devon asked.

“Uh…the cops escorted him out.”

“Brennan! No cops!”

“I wasn’t letting him anywhere near you. It’s not like they arrested him…like they should have.” He bent down and kissed her lips. “I’m just glad you’re safe now. I don’t care if you press charges. I just care that you’re safe.”

“I’m glad I’m safe, too,” she said even though the injuries on her body told her that she didn’t feel that safe.

Brennan leaned his forehead against her hand as he sighed softly. His lips found her hand, then her palm, and then the inside of her wrist. “You know what I’m going to do when you’re feeling all better?”

“What?” she asked.

His lips traveled up to her elbow. “I’m going to kiss away every bruise and every scar and every headache. I’m going to kiss away every thought of heartache,” he whispered. His kisses were now reaching her shoulder.

“You…you are?” she asked through gulps. When the beeps on the machine picked up speed, she tried not to blush.

“Yep. I’m going to kiss every inch of your beautiful skin, so when you look at it, all you see is me.” He stopped his kisses and stared down into her eyes.

“All I see is you already,” she responded huskily, trying not to let her mind stray to all the things she wanted to do to his body.

“I’ll be a happy man every day that is true.”

He bent forward and kissed her lips. Devon reached her arms up and wrapped them around his neck, anchoring them together.

Someone cleared her throat, and Brennan pulled back from the kiss. Devon blushed and looked over to see Hadley and Garrett standing together in the doorway.

“Hope we’re not interrupting,” Hadley said, planting her hands on her hips.

“Course not,” Devon said. She looked back at Brennan. “I didn’t know you called them.”

Brennan shrugged. “I thought they’d want to know you were here.”

“Of course we wanted to know you were here.” Hadley tossed her oversized purse on the floor and rushed over to Devon’s side. “You came to visit me when I was here. I couldn’t imagine not visiting you.”

“It’s good to see you,” Devon said with a smile.

“Do you guys mind giving us a minute?” Hadley asked, shooing them out of the room.

Brennan kissed Devon’s forehead once more. “Want anything from the cafeteria?”

She smiled. Always thoughtful. “Jell-O.”

He chuckled. “You’re in the right place for that.”

Hadley waited for Brennan to walk out of the room and close the door. “Oh my God, I can’t believe what happened to you. How are you feeling? I’m so sorry I’ve been so completely self-absorbed. I had no idea any of this was going on. Don’t kill Garrett or anything, but he told me what happened with you and Reid.”

“He did?” Devon asked, her stomach twisting at someone else telling her story.

“Yeah, but don’t hate him. He was worried about you, and he stayed up all night. When I woke up, he told me about it, and I was completely flipping out. I tried calling you, but you didn’t answer. He said you weren’t with Brennan, so I didn’t even try him. I probably should have.”

“I was, uh…worried that Reid might come after me at Brennan’s, so I didn’t want anyone to know where I was. Sorry, bad move on my part.”

“No apologies,” Hadley said, brushing off her apology. “I can’t blame you for anything. Look at you.”

“Ha! Yeah,” Devon said with fake enthusiasm.

“Garrett also told me about what happened between you two,” Hadley said softly. “He wanted to clear the slate. He said you were pissed at him and wouldn’t forgive him. I don’t blame you for that either, Dev. I’m sorry he did that though. The, uh…drugs really messed me up.”

“What happened to you, Hadley?” Devon asked, wondering if Hadley would finally open up to her. “I never thought you would be someone to get caught up in drugs.”

Hadley sighed heavily and tugged at her ponytail. “It started casually with some friends. It wasn’t a big deal, but then, I was sneaking around everywhere and…it became a bigger deal than I ever let on. Then, the stuff with Garrett not knowing and his parents on top of all the pressure at work…it just spiraled out of control.” Hadley took a deep breath before continuing. “But I’m going to get better, Dev. That night with Garrett…I was paranoid, thinking he was cheating. I was angry all the time. When we got into our fight on the Fourth of July, I’d snorted some coke before the event. I was always too nervous around his parents. I shouldn’t have gone off on him or his dad. I think my behavior pushed him over the edge.”

“It doesn’t matter, Hadley,” Devon said, reaching out for her.

Devon hated that her best friend felt responsible at all for what had happened. Hadley had been selfish, but coc**ne was addictive for a reason. It was hard to kick. Devon was just glad to see Hadley recovering.

“It does. My therapist said that I should try to right the wrongs in my life. I’m really sorry for not being there when you needed me…when you came to me for help. Even if you didn’t ask for help, I should have known. And I’m sorry for Garrett’s behavior. He and I have a lot to talk about and work out, but I really want to try with him, Dev.”

“I know,” Devon said.

“He said he wanted to talk to you for just a minute…that is, if you’ll see him,” Hadley said.


“Alright. Let me go get him,” Hadley said, standing. “I’m glad you’re doing better, Dev.”

“Thanks, Hadley.”

When Hadley reached the door, she turned around and faced Devon with a devilish smile on her face. “I wish I had been there when Brennan beat the shit out of Reid.”

Devon laughed and shook her head.

“I think I would have taken his balls if I knew what he had done to you,” Hadley said.

“I believe you wholeheartedly, Hadley.”

Hadley laughed and walked through the door.

A couple minutes later, Garrett shuffled into the room with a sheepish look on his face. “Hey, Devon,” he said tentatively.

Devon sighed and looked out the window.

“I don’t know if Hadley told you that I told her,” he said awkwardly.

“She did.”

“Oh, good,” Garrett muttered. “I wanted her to know the truth about what I did because it was wrong of me under any circumstances. I shouldn’t have kissed you. I shouldn’t have…cheated on her.”

Garrett cleared his throat when she didn’t say anything. He started again. “I messed up, Devon. I was your friend, and I messed that up. I know that I’m part of the reason you’re here. I’m not even going to ask for your forgiveness because if I were in your position, I think I’d have a hard time forgiving me.”

Devon sighed and turned to look at him. He looked just like Hadley had said, like he hadn’t slept all night. She wondered if he had been worried. Her heart softened some at the thought.

“So, while I don’t expect you to forgive me, it doesn’t mean I’m not going to try to be better. All I’m asking for is the chance to try to earn your trust again. I don’t think it’s fair to ask for more than that, but I’ve never been sorrier. I hate seeing you like this,” he said, gesturing to the bed.

“Okay,” she said softly. “It’s okay. We’ll, uh…get through it…get past it.”

Garrett beamed like she had just handed him the keys to a brand-new sports car. “It’s really good to hear that.”

“Can I ask just one question?”

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