Home > Beneath These Chains (Beneath #3)(31)

Beneath These Chains (Beneath #3)(31)
Author: Meghan March

What the hell is he talking about?

“I don’t—”

“Did you let Jiminy put his hands on you or not? Because as much as it pisses me the fuck off, that has to really fucking piss off your man. If he really is your man.”


“He’s right here, and can speak for himself,” Lord said. The low growl would’ve had a sane person running—but it didn’t work with Rix. “I took care of that shit with Jiminy. You don’t need to be worrying about Elle. She’s got all the man she can handle. In fact, I’d prefer you forget she fucking exists.” Lord’s body pressed up against mine, and I leaned into him.

Rix’s smile turned even smugger, and I couldn’t figure out why. Lord had just laid down the law, and I was good with the law he’d laid down. I didn’t want another repeat of the bottle incident. Fuck. The bottle. My eyes darted to Rix, and he smiled at me. I could’ve sworn the man was reading my mind.

“You need some more Dom, baby, you just yell. I’ve got you covered. You already know I’ll deliver it right to your door. Anything else you need, too.” Lord’s hand clamped down on me as Rix gave both of us—or maybe just me—a chin jerk and headed for the door.

The chime was still ringing when I turned around—not of my own volition—and faced Lord.

“What the hell was he talking about? Delivered to your door? Is there something you forgot to share?”

Lord’s eyebrows were drawn together, his blue eyes hard. He looked pissed.

I swallowed. “Well … umm…”

“Spit it out, sweet thing—before I lose my patience and jump to my own conclusions.”

“He knows where I live.”

Lord’s expression darkened further. “And you know this how?”

“Because, like he said … Rix—or someone from his crew—left a bottle of champagne against my gate. You know, the one that leads up to my stairs.”

The muscle in his jaw ticked. “I’m getting that. And you didn’t think this was worth mentioning? That he knows where you live and clearly hasn’t lost interest?”

“It was Sunday—when you came and picked me up. I didn’t want to call you and ask you to come back and rescue me again. I’m a big girl. I’ve got it covered. I can handle myself.”

“She can handle it herself,” was all he said before those angry blue eyes locked on mine again. “You think you can handle Rix yourself? Really, Elle?” My name cracked like a whip from his lips, and I decided I never wanted to hear him say it like that again.

“I just—”

“You listen to me, Elle, and you listen close,” Lord started, before cupping my jaw. “This is not shit you try to handle by yourself. And if Rix ever pulls another stunt like that—and there’s a good chance that he might—I better be the first call you make. Immediately. Not three minutes later, and sure as shit not three days later. I can’t keep you safe unless I know what’s going on.”

“It’s not your job to keep me safe.”

“I beg to fucking differ. You stepped into my world, and your safety absolutely became my job.” His thumb skimmed my cheek and his voice gentled. “Are you going to cooperate, or am I going to have to help you get there?”

I didn’t know if it was the fact that he was touching me, or the low, husky tone of his voice, or the fact that he wanted to take care of me, but something inside me screamed no, I don’t need you to help me get there, because I’m already putting myself in your hands. Which is why I whispered, “I’m there.”

The muscle in Lord’s jaw relaxed further. “Good. Then you won’t argue when I tell you that we’re stopping at your place to get your shit, and you’re coming home with me.”

He was right; for once, I wasn’t going to argue.

I should’ve felt jumpy with the still-not-totally-unpissed waves rolling off Lord as we pulled away from Chains, but something about it actually energized me. He was this worked up over me because of his concern for my safety. I’d had disinterest, annoyance, and downright disapproval from people in the recent past, but it had been a long, long time since I’d seen genuine concern. It was … different. And the warmth that bloomed inside me didn’t stop in the vicinity of my chest—it carried all the way through to other parts of me.

I chanced a glance at Lord as he navigated us through the streets of NOLA in the big, bad Hemi ’Cuda. God, I loved this car. It made me wish I hadn’t laid down the law for myself that I’d never drive again. I could only imagine feeling the power beneath my hands as I gripped the steering wheel. I shoved the thought away—because it was just getting me even more worked up. I wasn’t sure what Lord’s plans were for the night, but mine were swiftly shaping up to be as naughty as I could possibly make them. The man beside me was solid, strong, and undeniably sexy. I wasn’t ashamed to admit that I’d been envious of Vanessa when she’d started things up with Con. But now I was riding beside the older—and to my mind, hotter—version of him. I glanced out the window and up toward the sky. Thank you, whoever is up there, I said silently. I promise I’m not going to waste this opportunity. Because I knew—even if Lord wasn’t ready to admit it—whatever might happen between us was sure to be temporary in nature. I was too jaded to consider long-term commitment.

“You bring stuff just for tonight?” Lord’s deep voice carried over the low rumble of the car.

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